NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH OFFICIAL FORGEHUB EVENTS SUCH AS TGIF The Collaboration Map-making Brawl! Yesterday I had invited Albyhouse into a forge session so he could help me with merging, but I had to leave early and told him we'd finish tomorrow. I come back today and what slander comes out of his mouth?! "[5:26:40 PM] Albyhouse says: Alo. I just merged this box so pimpin. Me and Commandermatt are making a pimp collab." Such pain I felt, seeing him leave me for another. I called him out, asking "Wtf man, wutchoo doin'?". He told me he wanted us both, but nay, I would not accept this! "Choose one or the other, good sir!" I told him, but alas, he still chose this CommanderMatt character. We met in a shoutbox many an hour later, deciding what to do about our predicament, and what did we decide on? A collaboration forge off competition, him and CommanderMatt vs. G043R and I in a fight to see who are better pairs. "Why post this here then, why do we care?" You might be wondering; we need some halp. There are rules that we must abide by, though, so listen up: Here's the deal. We need at least: 3 judges to grade upon Tidiness, Durability, and Game-play. A few definite testers A whole bunch of support from the Forgehub community for ideas. The maps must be built for the following game-types: Slayer Capture the Flag KOTH Territories (The rest of the game types are optional!) Unless the map is built for a specific game-type, this rule is key to victory. We are not allowed to look at the opponents match before it's finished, this will result in Disqualification and immediate announcement of the other's victory, no matter if your map is finished or not. There will be no trickery - no purposely inviting the other team for a friendly custom, for those a-holes out there. Teams: 1. Dom says Oi and G043R GT (Respectfully): Dom says Oi and G043R Map: 2. Albyhouse and Caboose GT (Respectfully): LOL Zombie and CommmanderMatt1 Map: 3. IxGunxSlingerxI and Bl00D F1R3 GT (Respectfully): IxGunxSlingerxI and Bl00D F1R3 Map: 4. Tex and Shad0w Viper GT (Respectfully): TxsOutlaw003 and Shad0w Viper Map: Judges: 1. <Egoender> <Egoender> 2. <TXGhost> <TXGhost> 3. <Iv0ry Snak3> <Iv0ry Snak3> 4. <Cosmic Rick> <Cosmic Rick> - If you are available! 5. <Iron Tusk 51> <Iron Tusk 51> You guys can only play the final versions of the map, you can't test them - only first time reviews! You're here to grade certain aspects of each map; Tidiness, Durability, Game play, and Originality. Definite Testers: 1. <zTo SoXFaN25> <zTo SoXFaN25> 2. <Forgehub Username> <Live Account> 3. <Forgehub Username> <Live Account> 4. <Forgehub Username> <Live Account> 5. <Forgehub Username> <Live Account> 6. <Forgehub Username> <Live Account> You're all here to test - yes, you can also help test the final versions if there is room. Your job is to point out flaws. SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED. Oh, and just to clear things up - there are no prizes, only bragging rights until the next competition. Thanks Guys; Dom says Oi.
We're going to kick your behinds. Anyway, i suggest putting back up testers, and a judge crieteria, so not just any body can be a judge.
I'll be a judge. Chief wiggum 00 is my gt. and well u know my forgehub username. ive been reviewing maps for a while, so.... yah im the right, fair judge for you.
1.With what, your amazing helicopter project? Dream on, Alby! : D 2. Testers are up, but I'll edit in some judging criteria, thanks. I'm sorry, but I've never seen you before, haha. We're looking for a certain criteria for each of our judges, either by personality of forging experience. I don't know you, I haven't seen any of your maps, so I'm going to have to let you down - I'm sorry. Would you like to test, instead?
if you choose me as a judge, you can trust that i will be fair, and demanding of only the best quality of games. I will scrutinize every detail to determine how hard the forgers really worked, and how much thought and effort they put into it.
I'll test if you let me. I know a good map when I see one lol, I just don't have enough patients (spelling) to make awesome-sauce pop outa my eyes too often, so no judgering for me. __________ FH: kronos001 GT: Kronos 001 Edit: I can haz time schedule for this? I don't think time will be a problem though.
I will, but that is only if I can access a computer in Botswana, Africa. See my sig, I would love to judge though...
OMG Nemi wtf? I can see a ban coming... Although I DID have a thorough look through them lol... Oh I see... TITMAR!!!!!!!! O
I'd wouldn't mind a bit of that action. For testing or judging, I don't really mind. I'd like to feel important as a judge, but otherwise, testing is good. Any excuse to play some games with folks who aren't randoms and likely to cause you pain with their high pitched wailing. Stupid "join random person who isn't in my friend list's game" function EDIT: Forgehub name: Lichtonatus (Oh come on, its right there by my post) Gamertag: Lichtonatus
Thanks for signing up guys. I'm adding you to the other thread on GhostsOfOnyx. Dom will decide who the judges are later tonight, since i can't edit it.
Um, wow. You're not running for president you know. No need to badger the poor guy. Not to mention he just said he coyuldn't edit the post. He didn't say "Wiggum you can't be the judge", so that wasn't even necessary, surely?
Seeing as the OP doesn't even have requirements, i don't see why he shouldn't be judge! Let him be a judge, he was first to offer his own time to help you out and you turn him away. On topic again, i would perhaps test...
[OffTopicBecauseILikeClarification] I guess that came across wrong :S I didn't say he shouldn't be the judge; As you say, there's nothing to say he can't be. I just meant badgering the OP probably isn't the best way to go about it. [/OffTopicBecauseILikeClarification] You couldn't provide a lazy link to the GoO thread could you alby? Or do we not need to go there? Me confusled :S