There's no such thing as the "best" map/s. It's all subjective. Do you like large BTB maps, or small 2v2's? Do you value fast paced or methodical gameplay? How much do visuals matter to you? You just have to browse around FH/file browser in H5 and find what you like.
@unilooseoff maybe try making a map and posting your progress for feedback. You might not get that much response but it will be more fruitful than "how do I make a good map" and "what are the best maps." If you agree with Multilockon's philosophy of design why not start looking at his maps?
I like BTB and 2v2. Those are the best player counts, but 4v4 is good too. I want maps that are designed good as well as maps that look good. Do you have any recommendations? I didn't like his videos. He talked very fast and I couldn't understand what he was saying. Link his maps?
You should take some effort yourself, that is a very subjective question. It's fine to ask questions but you need to make an effort on your end, its really not very hard to look at the featured maps page, search youtube, and just browse the maps page. Make your own opinions and look up level design content on youtube and judge for yourself if you agree with said content and just keep doing that. Going into waywo and asking tons of questions will not really help you all that much and just get others annoyed at you. Basically, just try to build stuff yourself, the first few maps will likely suck but that is fine, figure out what you like to build. As long as you make an effort and are not cocky people shouldnt be very mean with feedback and you will get better.
Because one, we haven't all played all of them, two, the criteria for what's voted highest or rated highest is utterly without consistency, and three, we don't know what your skill level or criteria for 'best' is. @WeedCough Level design is only subjective insofar as the execution of the task is concerned, within an objectively defined category of gametype or genre.
Dude are you for real? People posted links on how to get started and some of us gave you tips to guide you in the right direction. Go out and build some, you won't learn a thing looking only at the 'best' maps we can give you. Start where everyone starts, at the bottom I don't really have favourites for gameplay because I don't like this game. I only made aesthetic maps the last 2,5 years. If you really want to know, he made Oblivion and Arcanum, which both have a fast talking commentary on his youtube channel. It's safe to say he's one of the best. But if you're not a second account supertroll I suggest take it to heart what people say and start to build something.
I'm not a troll I'm just trying to find the best maps. Thank you. His profile is unavailable but I see his maps. Very nice. They are all very foggy though. Everything is in my opinion of course. I already linked some of the best maps I have found. I think those are the best.
Listen, dude - are you for real? The map page is not unavailable, and his maps are all visible and downloadable. Just click the big download button on the top right of the pages. You'll be linked to HaloWaypoint where you can bookmark them directly. You say you're looking for the best maps. Then you claim to have found 3 that are the best. I guess you don't need our help then?
If you wanna see a map that really looks like a dev map this is a good example
I cant speak for everyone, but me identifying as a straight male plays are very important role in what paths I take my life. I don't view this as shallow or self-indulgent at all; I'm recognizing an important dynamic in my life that is of importance to society. I believe a person who is an actor in a society, who takes advantage of the products that society creates, and who derives pleasure from those products, has a moral obligation to conduct themselves in a way that contributes to that society in some way. (society being defined as the collective of all actors who have a direct or indirect influence on each other) Obviously it's ridiculous to expect any human to hold themselves to that absolute standard, but it is a standard that we should all reach for as it gives us the most desirable outcome. When I say someone ought to create, this isn't limited to anything particular. In a really general sense, what someone can create consists of decisions, ideas, opportunities, physical things, companionship, empathy, ect. Ultimately, what I want people to ask themselves is this: Is what I ought to create going to offer actors in society opportunity to inspire and create? If the answer is yes, than create. If the answer is no, than change a variable or move on to something different until the answer you get is yes. You do put forth the idea that we ought not let certain aspects of sexuality be expressed because it does not fulfill the purpose our reward systems are evolved to carry out. Again, I'll refer back to the sterile man analogy. Using that same logic, does this statement make sense: Society should not allow or promote a sterile man to seek out and have sexual relationships on the grounds that the act of sex for him isn't a productive act. I would answer no, that we need to analyze these situations in a pragmatic fashion. I'm in favor of being kind to others, even when I think what they do isn't something I myself have interest in doing. I know that the kindness and hatred we experience has an effect on our mental state. The quality of someone's mental state is one of if not the biggest factor in influencing what they can contribute. "Ultimately an egalitarian/utilitarian approach like this on any front - be it spiritual, monetary, or alimentary - fails, because it requires those who build their identity with productive activity and the careful tending of their own self esteem to sacrifice it to those who do not, and who are not expected to." This is where I disagree. I think society, in some aspects, is more important than the individual; but I think preserving individual rights is integral to society. Sacrifice is mandatory for any civilized societies advancement. Besides, charitable acts themselves could be argued as an act that grants self-growth. I don't think it's realistic to dismiss our ability to make rational decisions on complex topics. I don't subscribe to the idea that my beliefs need to fit perfectly into any black and white definition of a personal philosophy. Real life almost never has all or nothing scenarios. We can debate and find a median that best suits our needs using concepts derived from a multitude of systems. I don't think it's realistic to dismiss our ability to make rational decisions on complex topics. Sometimes this is required to fully understand some aspects of our reality as they are infinitely complex.
Nice going dum dum How are you gonna debate after making an ad hominem attack like that you poopoo head
I am sorry for not helping you find the BEST maps,THIS is the best map. It is also the most downloaded one according to Forgehub reinforcing it’s masterful design. Happy forging dude