What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.


    Senior Member

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    If you don't like gay marriage...

    ...don't marry a gay person.
  2. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A. Reproduction

    B. Logic
  3. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    No, a real peer reviewed unbiased scientific article that shows that people are more upset entering homosexual relationships and that they chose to be that way.

    You claimed that science explains it, so id think you have a source to back up your claim.

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
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    So Waypoint works for me again but I don't feel like using the map interface


    This map is called Nukage, because of the green goo. Green goo is bad, don't fall in it. A 90 second SpnkR and Level 3 Damage boost are the main pickups, but they don't spawn for 30 seconds. Magnum ammo, Frags, Plasmas, a single Splinter, Long Barrel BR and Carbine are the extra pickups. Doubles is what you'll want to play this on.

    Download here: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...UL FLAME_0b125ca0-5d29-4aac-b61b-79a7c552f4d7

    Thanks for reading.
  5. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    Hey waywo is for drama and discussing our beliefs!! What the hell is this?

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
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    It's my belief to post maps in Waywo. So I did.
  7. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I'm with you on a reasonable amount of this. Also, I'm going to assume by science you mean biology. Like you, I too believe there is no such thing as being born gay. I believe that it is a choice but I also believe it is one that everyone is allowed to make.

    I also agree with you that alternative lifestyle shouldn't be discussed let alone taught to children who are not old enough to comprehend it. Kids aren't gay, kids are just kids. Leave all that **** to be sorted out after the affects of puberty settle. If there seems to be a kid far ahead of the bell curve then discuss it privately with them.

    Preaching is not the same thing as awareness.
    CertifiedChamp and Zombievillan like this.
  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Ja, ja, das ist fantastisch!


    needs more

  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    No, feelings have nothing to do with it. Mushrooms growing under cow feces make you feel good when you eat them. You can have a good time tripping on them. That doesn’t make them ok. They weren’t meant to be ingested and cause harm to your body.

    The true purpose of sex is reproduction. ***** to ******. The anus wasn’t meant to be penetrated by a *****. It may “feel” good but it doesn’t make it right.

    I feel like it mostly starts with giving in to some type of urges or some level of pleasure.

    You want to talk about love? People claim to be in love with an animal or even a tree. Doesn’t make it ok to bang an animal or a tree.

    This is logic, no need for scientific cites when science clearly shows the process of reproduction requires a male to impregnate a female to use sex as it’s intended to be used, since the dawn of time, across all asexual species. (Except seahorses from what I heard lol)
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Also, are you new here? This has been discussed multiple times. WAYWO stands for off topic speak whatever you want as long as you don’t post gore or porn.
  11. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    when it comes choice and being gay. often time the environment around them is what influences that choice. Being desensitized to sexual fetishes I also think plays a part. Which would explain why they might think they were born gay because they explored their fetishes to the point that it is the only way they can get aroused. This would be my reasoning around why they would think it wasn't a choice. Me personally though...

    I don't give a **** and it is stupid that these very very small sections of society are constantly promoted to society. You shouldn't discriminate but shoving the **** down people's throats like it is a majority norm is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way which my tin hat would tell me is actually their goal.

    Also someone mentioned peered review papers. I was listening to Joe Rogan a couple weeks ago and these two guys were putting together fake peer reviewed papers that were in support of what many considered radical left thinking and the paper's got pushed through and were published. This showed a lack of effort by peer reviewers to check the work when it supports their narrative. Which if you do a little research lots of these social issues that have paper's rely heavily on anecdotal evidence with limited statistical data used and often times with everyone and I mean everyone, not enough variables are measured to prove a narrative.

    Senior Member

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    Jesus ****ing christ.
    CertifiedChamp likes this.
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    I feel like you are saying what I think but since I am openly a Christian people will receive it better from you lol. I’ll be viewed as a homophobic crusader out to behead gays.
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  14. LargerFiend

    LargerFiend Legendary
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    I think the discussion over whether or not Gillette actually cares could be a good one to be had, but in this case the vast majority of outrage by people and media outlets is directed at the fact that this commercial makes it seem that men are predators, or at least that is how they interpreted it. What I find frustrating is that I dont see any left leaning media outlets condemning Gillette as we see with right leaning media outlets. Just look at the comment section on the video, bunch of people calling this a product of Shareblue and TYT propaganda.. Just because they showed a 2 second clip where Anita Sarkeesian litterally only said "...Allegations of sexual harrassment..." Its honestly just embarassing to see how stupid some of these critics are.

    Honestly, what I believe is that this commercial served the purpose of raising awarness to an issue that should still should not be occuring in the 21st century. It was never ment to be a bombshell cover story that stopped all crime. It was simply ment to course discussion on this topic, and seeing as how that is what we are doing now, I'd say they were successful. The more we see these actions being condemned, the less likely they are to occure. Faceless companies still have a vested interest in society as they are made up of people like you and me. If the only incentive they had were monitary gain by appearling to emotion, then why isn't every company making all of their commercials controvercial?

    I think I can count on one hand how many times I've seen a gay couple in any type of media lol it's honestly extremely rare. Also, literally nobody cares if you pray with your family in public. This sounds like something Nancy Grace would say.

    Since you seem to cite science as a moral basis for your arguement, let me ask you this: How do you feel about men that are born sterile? Is there existence also wrong? Does it disgusted when you have to explain to your children that someone doesnt have kids because they their genetics say they cant?

    If you didnt actually mean being gay, but engaging in gay sex, then I would ask why are you explaining gay sex to your 5 and 9 year old children lol

    Nothing about this video promoted the idea that men were somehow inferior or predisposed to predatoral actions, that is just how you chose to interpret it. The slogan was "Be The Best Men Can Be" be the best version of your self, step up and take action when you see someone being effected by toxic masculinity. You stated that women are now more predatorial then men.. Can you give me a source on this one? Sounds made up.

    I really cant take anything you said seriously man.. There is just too much misinformation there for me to unpack, almost boarderline conspiracy theory, which I have no interest in discussing. Im going to need to see data that backs up those claims.

    Ya Imma need a source on that claim that sex-possive environments have a segnificant negative impact on someones sexual development.

    reads second paragraph.

    Oh... So a couple of dudes on the Joe Rogan podcast single handedly dismanted hundreds of thousands of proven data points covering hundreds of years across hundreds of countries. Got it. So what do you suggest as an alternative? We just go back and forth duscussing our feelings? C'mon..
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    To say it’s extremely rare means you are either being dramatic just to try and make me look wrong in my argument or you are the most oblivious person I’ve ever seen. There’s even a big deal about Disney having their first gay character on a tv show. It’s a damn kids television channel with a gay character, how is that not helping my point. There’s constant commercials with gays. Dudes laying in bed cuddling talking about how they should have used a condom but didn’t. Even some of these guys who aren’t fully on my side of this can admit that. Saying people bash me for praying over my meal in public I admit was a little dramatic BUT you are completely ignorant if you think Christians aren’t ridiculed more now than ever.

    Now your science argument is a real joke. Does being sterile make a man gay? Wth? That makes no sense. I would say that guy was very unfortunate to be born sterile but that wasn’t his choice. If being gay is a choice how does your point even relate?! It doesn’t, why would I tell my kids he’s wrong for being sterile? Even so, that wouldn’t stop him from falling in love and marrying a woman. This was a pointless argument against my point.

    Now to address your more immature point about my kids and gay sex. Sex isn’t in their mind yet but will be one day. I don’t need the Disney channel, or any media for that matter, planting a seed of the thought that homosexuality is cool or even normal because it’s not the norm in my opinion. See Purely Fats point.
  16. LargerFiend

    LargerFiend Legendary
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    Maybe I just notice it less since it's not a big deal to me, or I just watch less tv/movies and have an adblocker so I don't see ads on my pc. I just see it as a non-issue imo. It's like asking me how many people I see in media that have their hair styled a specific way, I would guess not many but it's not something I've actively sought out.

    The argument wasn’t that a man being sterile made him gay, it was that what is morally right and wrong is given credence by biology. If nature ****ed up this guy's genes and he no longer had the ability to conceive a child with a romantic partner, if I'm understanding it correctly, he is wrong or a mistake when we compare him to someone who is potent. same thing applies to gay people, right? Being gay restricts one's ability to conceive a child with a romantic partner, therefor it is biologically inferior to being straight.

    The problem I have is that many other Conservatives feel justified in robbing these people of a very large portion of their humanity by considering them subhuman. 1962 was the year that same-sex relationships were no longer outlawed in Illinois... Many people who support those laws are still alive today. Why no laws for sterile people? It's no secret that religious people generally treat gay/trans people like ****. I think that if you are not seeking out a romantic relationship with this person, it should not have any effect on your life.

    I'm sorry, but your claim that being gay is a choice just isn't true, and the scientific community can back that up with fairly strong evidence:
    • https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0744/e3f319c9c9eb27aeaf4a840bd7676fa4de2d.pdf -- Study done by the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research provides strong evidence that genetics are heavily influenced by testosterone levels in the fetal brain. certain levels even establish structural differences that are related to gender identity. whether you believe your child is thinking about gender or not is irrelevant, reality shows that this is baked into their anatomy while they are still in the womb.
    You could argue that yes, they are still genetically abnormal, but I think calling someone that is unnecessarily dehumanizing.

    Look dude Im not trying to be an asshole I'm just looking for the truth. I come to this thread all the time and it bothers me to see constant conservative circle jerk fake news that is always inevitably backed up by "well this is just how I feel about it" with no data to support it. Another thing I have a problem with is factual data being dismissed because people cant look past their biases. (damn those deep state libtards for infultrating our education systems!) I thought this time around I'd ster the pot a bit with some other viewpoints.

    Edit: since you cited purelys comment: Again, I would need to see data supporting the claim that sex-possitive environments have negative impacts on gender identity development. I'm open to changing my mind as long as real world data supports it.
    #33236 LargerFiend, Jan 15, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
    GrayishPoppy210 and MULLERTJE like this.
  17. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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  18. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lame. I was expecting the green goo to rejuvinate me
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Who said anything about gender identity? You want data? If you have a **** and balls you are a man, if you have a vag you are a female. If you have both then we can talk about choosing what you identify as, but these idiotic parents that let their kids choose what they want to be regardless of what “biology” (God) made them are just ridiculous.
  20. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    Imagine if there was a venus commercial painting women and femininity in a negative light and used Alex Jones for a short quote. Not to mention make the large majority of the women that were painted in a negative light black.

    For ****s sake I dont even have to say more besides we all know that the feminists are ten times worse than any 'toxic masculinity' currently.
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.

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