Welcome back to another series of ForgeHub's Community Favorite Maps! We've still got some nominations and winners to catch up on and will be releasing the results shortly until we're brought up to speed. This month was very difficult for me to personally decide on what maps to select since there are quite a few that I consider on par with each other. Here are the nominations and winners for the month of October!
LargerFiend has worked on this map for several months and made significant progress along the way. The map is optimized to run 4v4 Slayer, the surrounding architecture is some of the best we've seen created in forge. This is a rare gem and we hope you can appreciate the level of work that went into this one!
PitDrop is a 4v4 symmetrical map designed by Box Knows which uses halo 3s fan favorite, "The Pit" aesthetic theme. This is a fast paced map for slayer and CTF while the author paid close attention to spawning to make sure they were viable for competitive play.
Being asymmetrical in design, the author tried to find ways to include symmetrical aspects within its asymmetrical layout in order to create a form of ying-yang gameplay, that would keep players dancing around the map in quick and easily accessible routes. For instance, the Hydra and Power up on the map spawn on opposite sides, in risky, and exposed locations, divided by lanes of segmentation, so that players must traverse the map in order to control both.
'Flux' was recently featured in the Community Doubles playlist alongside 10 other maps, so hopefully you've played on it a few times already If you have some spare time, please provide some feedback on this map so that the author may make some tweaks or changes for the next rotation of testing. Overall, we're really pleased with how Flux plays and can't wait to see Colson's next Forge creation hit our shelves!
Thanks again for being patient with us for releasing these results. Tune in next time as we'll be sharing the results from November!
The ForgeHub Team
Community Favorites: October 2018
Discussion in 'Features' started by WAR, Nov 14, 2018.
CertifiedChamp, CommanderColson, eLantern and 7 others like this.
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Discussion in 'Features' started by WAR, Nov 14, 2018.
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