There's a limit to how many people can be in a single conversation. You may need to boot a person to get him in. Let me know if you still have trouble. Doubles video from Mint Blitz:
Alright so I got this map here. It's a church with some autumn trees surrounding it, has two damage boosts, and loads of Magnums so you won't have to ***** about running out of ammo. Due to Waypoint being unavailable for me to access, you now have all this glorious Halo 5 invading your Waywo thread. Can't help getting screwed over by 343, so shut up and read. This church is vertical as ****, with loads of cool sightlines and floors stacked on top of each other. If you can stomach the framerate drops, this map will be loads of fun to shoot on. Best part is if you're anal about the Halo 5 sandbox, good news! There's no shotgun bottom mid, no needlers or plasma pistols, and there's especially no dual rocket launchers on opposite ends of the map. Look up my GT (The S0UL FLAME, "0" is a zero) if you ever get compelled to touch Halo 5, and look up the map November. Later.
Here's the link - FLAME_b648506a-2431-47fb-944a-73f62fe1cdf7
historically, yes. I think it's safe to say lots of early Church buildings doubled as fortresses of some kind.
Attempting to utilize this for the 1flag (mono flag) that, i resviper i, created. Fixes the remaining issue with capping while your dead body is still on the field. Superb timing with this release.
Now that i think about it some more, this might fix this problem with the teleporter on last bastion... If someone gets killed on the lift their dead body will trigger the lightning and then just bob up and down on the grav slides, it looks so retarded lol