turns out you can't add points other than kills in slayer modes, including fiesta. So I think you can only play this as intended with a mini-game mode. Fine for a slayer recreation + finishing bonus. But, eliminates fiesta-subtypes cuz we don't have that as a setting in H5
Introducing: THUNDERPAD. Scripted by Exterrestr1al https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/soldat-duchrist/video/63555610
Some. Very cool stuff here. Some very cool geometry. Off the top of my head, it seems a little flat though. Could just be some odd camera angles.
So the map weve all been waiting for is another castle map... How original. Wait till you guys see what ive been working on.
now HE IS joking... (says, knowing what he's working on, and knowing he needs to get back to doing that thing for him)
FYI, anyone who has ever had teleporter problems.. this might explain it. I think I've determined that the Boundary Checks inherent in the workings of the teleporters do not check very frequently. Maybe only once every .25 rather than every 60th or every 20th like we would hope. It is why sometimes going into a small teleporter zone is perfect, and other times, if you are moving quickly, it will not detect you.
Typically my solution for dealing with that is to increase the depth of the teleporter zone so the player will be in the zone longer.
yeah, that ended up working in this situation too, but damn it was close to not being the right size etc... got veyr lucky. the issue is really that sometimes you need to spawn in that teleporter for a specific time and during that time it may or may not check for the player!
Sorry I'm thinking mostly of engagements. While there certain is Some verticality, I see most of them ending up on this pretty flat plain. Like going up a bit only to end up at the same vertical level. Not everywhere obviously which is why I gave him the benefit of the doubt