Different types of halo map layouts ◦ Arena maps Derelict Hang'em high Wizard Colossus Midship Desolation Foundation Tombstone Warlock Warlord The pit Assembly Heretic Countdown Zealot High noon Adrift Haven Monolith Pitfall Coliseum Mercy ◦ Site maps Battle Creek Beaver creek Gephyrohobia Headlong Zanzibar Backwash Sanctuary Terminal Turf District Shrine Stone town High ground Last resort Ghost town Longshore Asylum Atom Cliffhanger Powerhouse Battle canyon Anchor 9 Breakneck Abandoned Complex Landfall Perdition Eden ◦ Interior maps Chill out Longest Prisoner Ivory towers Elongation Citadel Cold storage Foundry Orbital Rats nest Reflection Condemned Empire Fathom ◦ Range maps.canyon, caves, valleys, island Blood gulch Sidewinder Death island Danger canyon Ice fields Infinity Timberland Burial mounds Coagulation Containment Uplift Bloodline Remnant Isolation Sand trap Snowbound Valhalla Avalanche Boneyard Hemorrhage Paradise Spire Ridgeline Tempest Exile Long bow Melt down Ragnarok Vortex Harvest Daybreak Outcast Shatter Vertigo Wreckage ◦ Exterior maps Boarding action Damnation Ascension Lockout Lockdown Zenith Construct Guardian Narrows Blackout Sandbox Standoff Boardwalk Pinnacle The cage Highlands Penance Solace Skyline ◦ Corridor maps Chiron TL34 Rat race Solitary ◦ Interior&Exterior maps Gemini Epitaph
Come back and see @xdemption! How long was I gone? Oh wait @purely fat is talking about gallons of ice cream @SaltyKoala is talking about Masonic symbols @Dunco is trolling @S0UL FLAME is trying to be funny @Soldat Du Christ is being soldat @MythicFritz is still addicted to minesweeper All is good, carry on
Having serious motivational issues guys. This always seems to happen to me. I'll spend 2 weeks straight on a map, get it to about 80-90% completion and then lose ALL motivation to finish it and I never end up getting it to 100%. I get so bored looking at it for hours that I just cut and either go do something else or build something else. I'm a chronic 80%er when it comes to forge. Especially when things start getting a little difficult like the final section of the map looks like garbage and I can't seem to make anything work as good as it could, and anything I do place down seems like it's lazy with no real thought put into it despite sitting there for at least two hours doing some sketches and researching tryna make it work. Not to mention piece usage becomes strained, then lightmap becomes a huge issue, then you realise too late that framerate is a huge issue on your map so you basically have to redesign everything meaning two weeks worth of work is for nothing... only to also realise that nobody really plays Halo 5 that much anymore and it could all be for nothing anyway. Am I the only one? Can't seem to get out of this funk. Eh, who cares my three weeks holiday are over, back to the daily corporate grind being a spreadsheet jockey.
This is a common issue for me, not just in forge but in all of my creative endeavors. The key for me is just to think about the end goal. For halo maps it's simple; an enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing play space that people will have fun on. Focus on the final product and all that comes with it. The sweaty games, the forgehub pointz, possible features and even getting into matchmaking. The final 20% is always a grind but once youre finished it makes it all worth it. Plus you won't have to look at 20 unfinished maps and your 3 published ones and feel like you've wasted a lot of time playing with virtual Lego blocks.
@TESTIFIER Youre not the only one. Ive had maps that are basically finished in my files for months. If you only make maps to have a bunch of people play it, that’s going to weigh on your mind, because chances are that it wont get a ton of play. You have to accept that and find another motivation to help you push through that final stage. For me, that motivation is progression. Looking at what I made and seeing what concepts I’ve applied to my current design that I learned creating my last. Not necessarily improvement, but growth.
It's been months since infinity's sneak peek and a moment since we last discused the future of Halo so what do you think, is there any hope that we be able to build one size fits all walls, floors, ceilings this time around? Will we have a real texturing system? WIll we get our prefab system updated to a real (or close to it) object creator? Will we be able to build real terrain? Will the Forge be delayed for months after release? Will we have to wait months-years for a full list of gametypes? In general what are some of your predictions on the Halo Infinity
My computer broke over the weekend and had to install all of my data on a new one, then I had to prepare for my mothers Bday party which is tomorrow. I think I can do the community fav article now, I'll try to be quick. I need my fix too
I also play sudoku. I swear I didn't use hints and can't seem to get even close to this time anymore.
Coming soon: Map that deletes itself as you play it. No two games alike! (8 player gameplay near the end is insane)
Really cool idea! I know this is a sneak peak so you've got lots of plans I'm sure but I had thoughts. -Rooftop should have ducts and antennas and whatnot so the opening isn't so octagon -Shotguns... explain yourself -I like the block color change showing what's going to delete next. Have another color block that when it deletes spawns a weapon in it's place -Dropping down 2 floors and being trapped seems super frustrating
Thanks! One thing I am up against, but may have found a way past, is piece count limitation to this type of scheme. I may not be able to add ANY more pieces. I also would like to make a couple of unknkown spots on the map contain weapons, and you don't knwo until a brick disappears and you just see it. Scattershots (not perm) - a couple reasons. Needed something for when someone creeps around a corner (BAM!). Needed something that can suicide you if you prefer not to wait for a block near you and are also out of nades, AND also not near exterior (for teleporting up and retrying your descent). (ppl can use whatever weapons they want) Not dropping down 2 floors into a pit is part of the awareness game of it There is always a way out and you can start to get a feel for how to spot those pits before you just jump into them blindly. There's a little learning curve, but people get it quickly. What I love about it is there's this tug and pull on whether you stand and fight, run and hide, or start over etc. Very few dull moments and you can elect to get out of them if you prefer. Also, it's kinda nice to have a break from the action
Thanks for responding about the scattershot. It's need makes sense now but I really don't like even having a need to suicide. Wish you could find a way to avoid that. Your comment about piece count may mean this is impossible but I had another thought. What about a few blocks being transparent?
if pieces can be added, I need to prioritize a way of blocking out the light, so that glitchy seizure-y thing doesn't happen when exterior walls get deleted (hopefully). If I can keep going after that, I'd be happy to try some more cover and decor! (FYI, I am at about 1315 pieces right now) EDIT: Just tried adding two more floors as a test, and the following glitch happens again.) The piece count may not really be a limitation, but I thought it was while troubleshooting the fact that many blocks do not respawn after a round ends. I am wondering if there is a limit on # pieces that can respawn at round start. But, the only provable thing I can, prove... is that when you let the round end via time limit rather than the scoring trigger, it does the failure to respawn thing. I need to eventually fix that, because I cannot guarantee that everyone will always use enough time to make it guaranteed someone will end the round the preferred way. I just have to find the right combo that lets us push the game to its max, while also not breaking it. (lots of hours went into this already where I just screamed at my screen wondering what the hell was going on in the game
@MythicFritz and whoever else... what is the best canvas/lighting and blocking scheme for decent lighting if I have the pieces? Consider what is best for visibility in this unique situation and also aesthetically looking good. (update to above is that if you ungroup pieces it helps the issue of pieces not coming back for next round. But, it looks like I am still having it happen when round ends by time. I am going to hae to force people to accept unlimited time, but it's not hard to make it down there... I can move this map very easily so give me your best option. Thanks! EDIT: Note, for blocking "natural" light, I have already used enough 256 floors set at 0 emissive and the game will accept that. I don't want to push it much further in piece count, though.