Community Favorites: July 2018

Discussion in 'Features' started by WAR, Oct 19, 2018.

By WAR on Oct 19, 2018 at 12:27 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Welcome back to another series of ForgeHub's Community Favorite Maps! If you're wondering why we're back so soon, we've got a lot of nominations and winners to catch up on and will be releasing the communities results each Friday until we're brought up to speed. Here are the nominations and winners for the month of July!

    paradigm.jpg pioneer.jpg aggro.jpg touristtrap.jpg deacon.jpg dodecahedron.jpg idol.jpg transcendent.jpg royalty.jpg seclusion.jpg
    Aggro is a small fast paced map that focuses on rooftop gameplay and is the result of a lot of trial and error. Cramped routes are used as a way of getting around to the top of the map. The Sniper forces players to give up their power positions if they want to take advantage of the power weapon.
    This map is a remix of 'Pueblo', a map the author has been tweaking and changing since April of last year. The map supports Roaming King, Slayer, Oddball and Strongholds. The author agrees that Pueblo looked like a hot pile of garbage in the past but is happy with the new coat of paint given. The map's functionality is the most important part of the creation process.

    Martian changed the theme from being a Mexican town to a town in Cinque Terre, Italy. A lot of the buildings were based off of the look and feel of Sapienza, from the newest Hitman game. In this iteration of the map, he improved how it plays for Slayer and Strongholds compared to Pueblo.
    Pioneer is a large asymmetrical BTB map themed as an industrial site in the edge of a desert, and is heavily based on the Halo Reach firefight map "Unearthed". The map mainly consists of the large refinery compound, the pipeline running through it, and the surrounding dunes and smaller structures around it.

    During the design process, Squally wanted to take the basic layout and idea of Unearthed and apply it to a BTB map that could effectively support Scorpion tank gameplay. This was achieved by giving the Scorpions plenty of wide open space and rolling cover. Due to its slower speed and inability to shoot targets at close range, the Scorpion requires larger areas between it and any incoming attackers. The rolling dunes allow the Scorpion driver to see any approaching threats with enough time to react, while also providing cover from long sightlines and other vehicles. There are, however, several choke points for the Scorpions on the map. Drivers are still required to play cautiously with the Scorpion, and are better suited to locking down various areas of the map and supporting teammates.

    The map itself has a large variety of weapons and spaces to interact with. Power weapons include turrets, a Rocket Launcher, a SAW, a Gravity Hammer, A Hydra, A Sentinel Beam, Needlers, and more. The Strongholds on the map are located on the tower toward the end of the pipeline, in the armory just outside of the main facility, and the load zone on the side of the facility opposite the armory. Red team spawns in a garage in the back of the facility, while blue team spawns on a landing pad out in the dunes.

    Our first place winner, Squally DaBeanz, shared a post on twitter asking for some financial help. His family recently went through a divorce and could use any contributions you could spare. Here is a link to the donation page: GoFundMe.


    "We were financially sabotaged before everything happened. I've done what I can to support my family but we're bleeding money and are on the verge of losing everything, including a place to live and the legal aid we need to ensure a fair court hearing. My mother has worked her heart out to provide for her children and continue to have a comfortable life for them as they grow up. She recently was able to secure a new place to live, but the situation is tenuous at best.

    If there is anything you could donate to help my family as we go through this transitional period, it would mean the world to me, my mother, and all my younger siblings. All donations will primarily be used for moving expenses and legal fees. They will also be used to assist us with the first few months of rent, transportation, utilities, and other necessities." - Jacob Giles / Squally DaBeanz

    Thanks again for being patient with us for releasing these results. Tune in next Friday as we'll be sharing the results from August!

    :heart::forgehub: The ForgeHub Team
    #1 WAR, Oct 19, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
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Discussion in 'Features' started by WAR, Oct 19, 2018.

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