There are community maps that I think are just as good and even better than developer Halo maps (both 343 and Bungie). But not many popular community maps have fit that role IMO. Like Onslaught was very popular in Halo 3, but it was just box midship, and had very little creativity going for it. The most notably "halo" community maps I've seen would have to be like High Guard by Giventofly93, Some maps from Ponytar (may be misspelled his name), like Imminent. My criteria would include that it also has to look like Halo The funnest community map I've ever played was Arcanum, but it's Aesthetic doesn't make it something I'd call "halo iconic"
Whoops! Must have accidentally grabbed a pillar - thanks for that. Some elements are, some is new. Was never quite happy with it, so yeah.
completely different base designs, completely different middles, one has 2 identical towers while one has a single tower which is also different in design, one has an outer courtyard and the other doesn't. literally nothing is the same besides both having 2 bases and being symmetrical.
Cant wait for Halo 6! Time to polish up these layouts! what do you guys think pretty good layout or what?
I could go on and on about how wrong you are, but I won't because you're right hahaha I just wanted to see a sweaty kid squirm
what if we can't see aliens because the draw distance in space is bad and they derender and what if they can't visit us because there are invis barriers in their skybox