Sweet thanks! I was poking at you a little because I like seeing you so knowledgeable and passionate about this
I must be living in an alternate universe. I walk about 10 miles per day at work, and then I either go lift weights for an hour, or go chase after kids. I eat about a quarter of what Mags eats on his lean bulk. Losing weight is a pain in the ass for me. I lost about 5 pounds over the last 2 months.
cut carbs down to half of your body weight per gram for 2-3 weeks, only drink water/coffee boom there goes 15lbs
I already drink only water and coffee. I can definitely reduce carbs, though historically I’ve had mixed results with that. I’ve lost weight quickly with low carbs. I’ve also had extended periods with virtually zero carbs where I didn’t lose any weight at all. My metabolism is probably messed up because of too much dieting (and extreme dieting methods) in the past.
that's your problem right there you still need to eat roughly 6-8 times a day in smaller portions sizes problem with human genetics is that when you starve yourself on your "diet" your metabolism slows down and makes you gain weight a trait left over from our ancestors who had to go large periods of time not eating. Eat a lot, eat clean, eat frequently, 3 meals a day is a set back for weight loss
I know that’s how it should work. I haven’t gotten my body to react the way it’s supposed to though. I was eating relatively clean at 40 pounds heavier, eating 5 times per day. I’ve been cycling calories up and down since then, hoping to speed up my metabolism without gaining too much weight. The results have been mediocre. I’ve dropped weight, but not improved my metabolism, and am now at a point where it’s really hard to reduce calories any further. I guess I’m just scared to really add calories at this point because of how hard it’s been to drop weight. About 200 additional calories (1 protein bar) per day equates to about 2 pounds gained per week, while it takes me 3-4 weeks to drop that amount. I really shouldn’t justify continuing this approach though, because it’s not really sustainable for the rest of my life. I need to get my metabolism working better. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.
Yeah, definitely not eating this much. Would explain it I guess! Is this the same meal plan every day for every week?