The reason why xandrith was banned was because it wasnt @qrrby or @Dunco . I have no idea what it takes to get these guys to step in, besides posting porn. Theres clearly a divide amongst the staff in terms of how to handle the moderation. @MartianMallCop Thats such bullshit, its ridiculous. Ive been outright insulted by both of them. I dealt with it, because i accept the lasse faire mentality the two mods have with waywo. But dont act like theyve been more tactful or anything like that.
Tbh I think that the reason that Xandrith was banned is because Xamples was willing to argue with Multi about his positions and his ideas and understand that, even with the name-calling schtick, he should defend himself whereas Portaleer wasn't interested in an argument and much rather not engage. Xamples took responsibility in the field of public discourse, and Portaleer, whether he was innocent or not, took the shadiest route by staying silent when there wasn't substantial evidence of him screwing over Multi, letting Multi get banned. He let the uninformed mods do the dirty work rather than defend his case or come clean. Instead he posted the most bullshit sounding corporate flame-retardant post to ever see the artificial light of shield world day after Multi got banned. This is why I try to not interact with anyone that isn't upfront about their opinions or goes to authorities to solve their problems. And I'm starting to sound like @thesaurus with that word jumble earlier.
No ill will to you nitro, im just using your quote. Waywo is forgehub at this point in Halo 5 limbo. I dont need to define what waywo is here because everyone who regularly reads and involves themselves into the discussion knows what to expect here and its exactly why its such an active and long lasting thread. If a new member stumbles into the cesspool, like shock for example, they are treated respectfully and quickly given support. Id like to think im not speaking for myself when i say the following: What we have built here in waywo is one massive inside joke that an extremely small number of individuals have had the opportunity to share together. The greatest accomplishment from this community IMO is waywo and checking waywo ten times a day is a way of life for active members here. The only people who are working to tear what we have apart are the people who mess with that formula by trying to moderate out key content that makes waywo an attraction. If portaleer was offended by something so minor regardless of if the accusations are true or not then my response would be stop being a *****. If he wasnt offended then why the hell are other people getting offended for him? Whatever. If the ban is going to stand in either light im preparing to follow multi out of the door aswell. Banning xandrith didnt accomplish jack ****... and now i resent portaleer for possibly no ****ing reason. Good work team.
I can respect that. I haven't read every post sent to you so I'm sure ive missed some. Good on you for taking it in stride then
How are they still banned? It’s so unjustified. Sure it’s wrong to call someone a ***** but to be banned right off the bat without warning. That’s such bull and it pisses me off enough that I’m still dragging it out. Get your damn panties out of a wad and let it go Portaleer. If you didn’t do it you should have made just a single post here defending yourself instead of banning them and THEN posting a statement when they aren’t here to respond or anything. That’s a ***** move. How they could give xzamples and Largerfiend such hell for so long with not even a warning and then say something to a mod and instan. You don’t do anything around here and just pop in to swing your **** around and then disappear again. Definition of a ***** move.
Why is it that forum mods are consistently the worst people on the internet regardless of which site you're on? And I mean the real mods not the fake ones.
Idk why this is pissing me off so much but it is. Maybe because it’s an abuse of power. How are they still banned. Aside of Qrrby the mods don’t even hang around here. They have no clue what even goes on in the site that they moderatate. All the mods can go **** themselves and are bitches. Except for qrrby, he’s not a *****, just kinda weird. Yekkou out
It's often not the act of calling someone a name that's overly offensive it's all of the words that came before and after. Unless you know the true FULL story I would recommend you all take a chill pill. For now be content that the admins are still reviewing things. I swear it's like someones stolen you binky up in here.