I believe bit actually has to do with the actual swear word. Like the label to it being directed at another. from what i read Multi hasn't outright called xzamples any direct words but has been more descriptive Essentially if you're gonna insult someone don't be lazy and result to name-calling
Example: You're a waste of the earth's natural resources VS 'stupidhead' The word you're looking for is 'tact'. Help us out @thesaurus
I think you’re forgetting some of the things Multi has said to him lol. Seriously how does one word get someone banned compared to paragraphs of insult and name calling. That post was meant as a joke but in reality it shows some hypocrisy
I won't speak to the ban length, but as to why one member can be derogatory to one, but not to another is actually based on the relationship of the involved parties. Example: I'm fairly comfortable with some banter with @Dunco cause I'm cool with him like that. However, if Dunco starts at some new guy, and he decides he doesn't like that, he's allowed to speak up and mods can intervene. Typically via warning. There was a ban here so there is more at work than just what's on the surface but that's the base point i wanna make. TLDR; If y'all are close, and have a relationship, that's taken into account. Inversely you can't lash out at strangers or people not comfortable with it. Kinda like real life lol
Why is everyone defending the ban from one word compared to pages of putting someone down? Multi straight up bullies this dude. Xandrith’s ban was out of place and does not match the history of this thread. Plain and simple. There is no justification for banning someone for 6 months when a member can bully someone for pages and there’s not even a warning. The ban was bullshit I mean **** even I have called Xandrith out several times for going to far and name calling people for pages. But he gets banned this time for 6 months for one time? Come on guys... Am I really gonna have to dig through the hundreds of times Multi and Xandrith have tore into xzample and post pictures of it to show how ridiculous it is compared to calling someone a *****.
Oh I don't defend either ban. Most bans I've seen aren't what I'd consider to be warranted too often. Other than when westin started posting porn everywhere. Even though it was hilarious that's still a bunch of porn links flooding your site.
I fully agree this ban is bull. Looks really bad because several people trash others here but he calls one person with a colored name and gets half a year off the site? Total bull.
This is an outsider question of mine that was peaked earlier remembering Salty talk about false flag operations. I've interacted with multi and xan and port insofar as much as any workplace friend (using this as a time and experience measurement). That being said, it doesn't make any sense TO ME PERSONALLY (key words here) that anyone is lying and that each believes they are telling the truth. I also don't think anyone involved is petty enough to go through with something like that. This also being said, from what I've heard about the deep, dark, and scary past of Forgehub, it makes much more sense that this is a ghost from further than a just a year ago. This is top-tier revenge level ****. I've been thinking about this pretty much nonstop since it started, and my hypothesis is: Some unknown ***** who still lurks waywo (not you schnitzel), saw the strife between multi, xan, and port and (because it lined up perfectly with multi getting his big promotion) used it to their advantage. Mere speculation on my part, but that's my 2 cents. I really hope something comes up that dissolves all of this
@dictionary Nothing to do with tact - the rationale for applying the “legal standard” of ‘tact’ may be valid if the rules require playing nice, or a lack of adhominems that don’t pass the profanity filter, but it does not hold up to any amount of scrutiny in this instance. As far as the closeness goes, Portaleer and Xandrith have been on this site for years, they’ve crossed paths before from what I can tell. There wasn’t any animosity before (correct me if I’m wrong) a now-deleted art style thread where Multi and Xandrith were criticisning Portaleer’s aesthetic opinion in their usual way - which is articulated, tag teamed, and to the point. Occasionally with some “harsh” judgement, but I seem to recall posting in that thread and not finding anything out of the ordinary. Long and drawn out denials like that are far too political to be taken at face value, especially when the subject is switched to ‘and remember not to accuse people of things you don’t know they did’ halfway through - and especially when so much time has elapsed. That said... @dictionary makes a strong point. And if it is the case, *could explain such a neutral denial.