I did mention this to @purely fat earlier today, regarding being distant the past few months. New job = busy life currently. So this rather intense situation has brought me back a little to say one thing that I truly feel we could do. We are relatively a small community, ie Forgers. I never understood why we do so much to tear what we have apart. It's crazy to think that there are those who care, those who could care less and those who want to burn down the community. Sure, everyone is entitled to hate/dislike things. Whether it's FH you like/dislike, whether it's a map or a community member, I feel that if we tried to actually not get so offended or try to be so offensive, maybe this group could do great things. Hell in small pockets, it has. Over the past 10 years, this community has done some things IMO which kept the franchise afloat. But why do we fall into these traps? It happens a lot, LIKE A LOT. Sure there are several members here that I truly dislike, but I try to reflect on the positives in hopes to change my perception of the individual. We are what we make of this community. We can be sheep and follow aimlessly or we can be ourselves strive to build this community better than the last. I know we will never get rid of @Dunco or his obsession with cesspool, but I admire him for it. On another note - I gave up moderating a long time ago and stuck with organizing with team/site management. But I do want to say is that I care too much for everyone here, so try and do the community a solid and forge on. I don't mean let's be all cume by yah (spelling?), but let's not kill what we have. -Nitro
No way that plays 4v4, but if it does good job. I just feel like there is no way something that detailed will perform that high of a task. Looks awesome though.
Hello All, In light of the recent talk of the Hub, I wanted to take a moment to address everyone that I'm well aware people are under the suspicion that I'm responsible for a Reddit post, among other avenues to undermine Multi and Xandrith's career opportunities with 343 Industries. These claims are false. The allegations are simply not true, I certainly do not have any direct association with 343 Industries, nor have I had any kind of formal conversation with any 343 Industries employee regarding the matter. It's to my understanding the situation is about a year old, and while I'm not certain why the unfortunate circumstance has resurfaced, I assure you that I have never posted material regarding anyone's conduct to other websites. As a member of this website and its staff, it's not nice at all to see anyone, regardless of persona, to arrive at the temporary living circumstance Multi found himself in. At the end of the day we live in a rapidly expanding online world and it's paramount that you conduct yourself professionally. There are eyes and ears everywhere and if it's of anything relative to a job opportunity you're pursuing you should act accordingly. I say this not as your ForgeHub moderator, but as a friend: I am happy to help you resolve your issues if I'm around. I will be making more of an effort to be. Please though, don't accuse me of things you think I might have done when in fact I never actually did them. It's not fair to me either. Thanks guys.
Like I said, whoever it was is a *****. Just saying. I certainly have no evidence to prove or believe I know who it was so that’s an open ended *****. Whoever you are out there, if you’re reading this... screw off *****.
came off too formal, would have believed it more if you just said "lol you guys are ****ing idiots if you actually think I would take the time to do such petty ****, go outside and live a little."
I'm going all Sherlock on this **** right now. I hope if the staff comes to the "acting accordingly" phase they'll let us know. I don't know if "the evidence" is substantial enough or if it ever will be... Aah **** it, enough speculating and mud throwing. Who is excited for RDR2 amirite!?
I have one question for you. Were you offended that xandrith called you a *****? I want an actual response please.
Why is multi allowed to call xzample every derogatory name in the book and not get banned but Xandrith can call portaleer a ***** and gets a 6 month ban... #forgehubhatesxzample