The big issues with the first game was they pushed attrition as the main gametype and didn't have pilot vs pilot at launch. Also, no campaign. There were a few titan weapons that were pretty strong but they fixed them with some subtle changes.
For the most part yes, especially of you had the SMG, but at the launch of the game that thing wrecked house, and could be used whole running around much easier, while every other gun was much harder to use while moving fast
I mean you had more than enough time to look at them before it locked on and the star burst attachment for the burst fire rifle allowed you to one shot them at the range it locked on at. Most of the guns could outplay the smart pistol because most of the guns have a range advantage over what makes it good. It was disgusting with camo though but if I remember right you could only walk and keep camo at 100%. (Camo ability lul) Also, it's overall utility is meh. I never really died to the thing. Most of my deaths always came from carbines, titans and those dudes that sat with shotgun in buildings. It is a dumb gun though.
Didn't play titanfall 1, but I really enjoy the titanfall 2 infantry play, titans are **** and I hate them
I wish tf1 was still alive. Tf2 is just a cheap shitty standardized cod-inspired broken version of tf1.
I didn't play it but the game looked so clunky compared to the first game which is still probably the most responsive/smooth game on the Xbone. Was Tf2 as clunky as it looked?
I think that an extended mag SMG with ADS is the key to the auto game AR is OP at distance, and extended mag makes it worse. Zooming doesn’t really help the SMG at all, and it has a small clip size, it is useful in bursts at close range - transferring the AR extended mag and the ADS animation to the SMG while treating it as a power weapon would mitigate quite a few issues, and it wouldn’t ‘act weird’ like other modded weapons.... This requires further testing of course//
I thought Titan Fall looked pretty awesome..but then I played it and realized they wasted an amazing concept on a generic piece of **** FPS.
I was hoping for a darker Gundam game, and ended up not buying it because of most of the reasons listed prior
Sure but dumb fun fades away the moment you get raped 10 seconds after dropping your titan in by another Titans ult. So cheap. I don't think it's clunky at all besides the strangely slow clamber mechanic. I love showing people this clip I got the other day, it's just a good game I capped The game is butter, it has a never ending myriad of dumb **** additions in it. Every tactical ability, every perk, every gun, every titan, every new mechanic (besides slide), every map.. They just suck
I think that I have a winner for this 4v4 with the best two gimmicks that no one has even thought of slapping into a Halo map. No, not a key; no, not req combos; no, not even drop teles. This is something more...sinister...
maybe i will pick it up on the cheap one of these days and give it a go. I just remember seeing some E3 trailer and it looked terrible. Might have been the person sucking.