Was it even possible to make art with that pallet? Just remembered people used to unironically label themselves as "artisans" back in like Reach forge or some **** lol. Like nice block-stacking idiot you're an ARTISAN now!
Woah woah woah, we didn’t label ourselves that. The site labeled us that for being the elite block stackers of that era ok so just chill out bro. Maybe you should look back on yourself as someone who couldn’t even stack blocks creatively enough to get such an easily attainable title. O..o I was much more proud of my architect rank than I was my artisan.
OK so here's my idea: Water is bad for you, why else would we sweat it out? Fish slowly drown in it, and even in death they float to the surface yearning to be free from the sea's grasp. Its not an acid or a base, why would I trust a liquid that can't decide on its own reality?
Was sort of half-joking considering I knew that. And yeah you hit the nail right on the head, I didn't forge for **** then just like now. I was and still am the guy who would procced to **** on everyone in testing lobbies, except back then I hated all original forge maps so I was extremely toxic. Every time a new map was put on I'd complain because I only ever wanted to play Sanc or Countdown.
I ran out of pieces.. I’d have loved to have a similar candelabra in the cathedral, but it was either 14 or 45, had to go the easy way at that point I did delete the archway though
You sweat urea - water is the vehicle for the removal of pee chemicals from your skin and muscle tissue
Wow ex machina is such a great movie, it's on netflix right now. Kind of dissapointed by the ending though i wanted more
It's like you want me to hate you lol The Titans in tf2 were an amalgamation of 50 stupid decisions rolled into 1 and broke the game. I thought tf1 nailed everything balance wise