Yeah I was just doing some housing research and found this cozy little cabin for only like $1,300,000
I dont actually live in San Jose. Im like 30 miles away, and you dont want to drive that 30 miles on a workday.
You're right I don't lol. When I worked at Treyarch I'd drive through LA to to get to Santa Monica every day, was a 3 hour commute there and back. Had to wake up at like 5 to get there by like 9am.
How much would you pay me if I got rid of all the framerate without ruining the maps aesthetics? You dont gotta pay me in money eithaaaaa
That depends - I almost feel like challenging myself to get rid of them now, but there are so many things that come into play that I wouldn’t wish the task on anyone
Just thought I would share a BTB map that I have been working on over the past month or so. I feel like I've been sharing progress on the same map for too long. Viva Vertical is nice and all, but its gone through its second revision, and looking at the same thing for hours on end does get a little tiresome after a while. It's nice to get back to this map as I have left it by the wayside for far too long. For now I'm calling it Desparado Canyon, but that name doesn't really stick in my opinion, so I will probably be renaming it in the future. I hope future revisions of this map go smoothly, as you can see in the pictures, my budget is peaking a bit, not too mention I've been trying to solve an issue where objects will disappear and reappear depending on the player's distance from them. If anyone has a solution for that that does not involve deleting half of the map, please message me.
So my map has been playable, but the rough final had some decent frame drops, so I'm just going to delete the skybox and smooth everything over just so you guys have something to play if you want it. I won't be posting it or anything because this map was made on a whim, but I'll post the DL link when it's ready enough. Also, since this was fun to mess around with, I'll be making another map. This next one will be a 1v1 that utilizes an environmental idea I had like 2 years ago, and there's still nothing like it, so I feel compelled to make it. I'll need some scripting help with this one too, but nothing as complicated as a key.
Had an idea for a key map that ill never make: A graveyard at night, and instead of a key, its a shovel that digs locations marked by tombstones that accesses a tunnel system under the graveyard. Instead of horizontal ‘key’ movement, its vertical. And my favorite part: The name ‘Grave Shift’.
Okay, this is slightly irritating because i had a very similer idea and player count in mind with my new map, and you are doing almost the exact same thing. Same halo game, same time period, same nothings like it. You intentionaly copied my stuff and similer other stuff, but this time i know it's unintentional so i'm not going to give you crap. It's okay though because by the looks of it my map will be much better. Yours still sounds good though don't get me wrong i'm excited to play it
You know what's funny about this is that what I've heard about Soldats new map, it looks like red death meets storm peaks say it aint so
So in other words it just looks like a generic castle with towers... I wasn't aware you had a patent on that
For now yes it actualy is lol, the art is what i'm hang up on atm. I have a cool theme but it's not synching with the layout i have established