In other news, Soldat showed me his map yesterday Its his best map for sure But will it be enough to back up his waywo **** talk
Lol, of course you would say that. Did you actually play FC2 or are you just watching engine tech videos and then talking about how good it was, like everyone else on YouTube lmao. Because Far Cry 2 was complete and utter dog **** to play. No one, and I mean NO ONE liked Far Cry 2 when it was out. The campaign would make you just drive from area to area spending like 30 minutes traveling from one camp to another having your car break down for no reason and get malaria along the way. There was nothing to the game, the campaign sucked. The mp sucked. People, like myself, only bought it for the map editor. Far cry 3 on the other hand, that was a good game.
It's a joke mainly because Halo 5's weapon design is really broken, in response there are only about 4 close enough to balanced weapons that forgers use Edit: Pistol/Tactical Magnum Sentinel beam Rockets (in certain maps, and it's still kind of BS) Light Rifle Then maybe some req combo weapons or a supressor.
Can you relax I played it around the time it came out, and yeah i enjoyed it for what it was despite it's flaws
Updates! I added some back stops for players to fall back onto, as well as color coating the teleporters and generaly added some aesthetics... Lookin puurrty geeewd!
Life observation #4,417: The experience of hearing 10 minutes of a 10 hour long airhorn is objectively worse than hearing a 10 minute long airhorn.
No... But not a bad name either. It's called penrose based on the penrose triangle Sweet game clip: