Like every camera shot in the whole movie had really intentional shape and lighting and colors and framing and it was just sick ok
It's so irritating to see how much better the beta looked aesthetically when compared to what we got. Sure, the art style is still nasty, but the fidelity is SO much better. Spartan textures, map lighting, the HUD, firing and explosion effects, shield flare, etc. all of it looked so much better.
After receiving feedback on Viva Vertical, I have decided to rescale the map's size, add more line of sight blockers, and change the weapon set. This time around the power weapons are the plasma caster and the saw (The Answer). In addition, I am adding more variety to other weapons by shifting away from an all Promethean weapon set to a mixed weapon set.
Lol, I know. We'll see what happens during the next playtest, I can always tone it down to a different saw variant. The only reason I chose The Answer is because the saw wasn't very potent in the first version and I want something that can pack a good punch to counter the plasma caster.
They left me in charge at work for 3 weeks and tomorrow is going to be the last day with this shitty heat...for now. I'm giving everyone a day off. #sueme
At its best, it was a funny clip generator At its worst, Farcry 5 was a compilation of fetch questing, and wanna-be "deep" storytelling. The game was so incredibly vague and open ended that I wasn't excited by the allurement of speculation (which is the point of abstract storytelling), but rather at a loss for words as I try to reconcile the huge gap between the actual gameplay, and the all-too ambiguous narrative. Artistically, a lot of this stuff was awesome, but it all lacked any sort of reference and was therefore ultimately ineffective at getting me to feel invested. On top of all that, the world design and combat were pretty bad. The map was just a bunch of mountains, lakes, and trees with little to explore (even if there was, there would be no incentive). Christian and I finished the game with like 15% of the map left grayed out and no reason to care. The combat was incredibly repetitive, and the AI was especially offensive. You could count the enemy types you fight throughout the entire game on one hand. Before someone (colson) interjects, I've seen a lot of cool videos about really creative ways to play the game, but ultimately, if it's easier to just run in and shoot people (and it is) then that's what I and pretty much everyone else are going to do. It's cool that you can play that way in games like Farcry and the new Zelda, but players will always take the path of least resistance. I'm still waiting for the game that disproportionately rewards creativity, instead of just allowing for it. It's not all bad, though. The games first person animations were some of the best I've ever seen. Super smooth and you basically always see what you would expect to see. The sound design was great, the lighting was great, and the textures were amazing. Overall, it's just another studio with plenty of talent being held back by mediocre design. PS: If I have to sit through one more evil guy monologue in a video game I will run myself over
Okay I do think older Farcry games are probably better, but this dude is sitting here telling me that Farcry 2 is the best because your guns jam and you had to spend way more time repairing and you could randomly get sick and die hahaha get outta here with that
The map has a SAW? 10/10. I'd love to try that map at some point. I tend to run customs with a bunch of forgers/generally sweaty kids so if you're up for playing maps and testing feedback, my gamer tag is Sgt x Slaphead.
That was centuries ago in internet years and I was wrong about it. I honestly don't care for anything in the sandbox on a 2v2 map. They're are all easy kills and cheap deaths. 4s is whatever but the last thing I'd want to do is give people weapons that they don't even have to aim... and that's at least 80% of the sandbox. It's a pity though. This is ****ing Halo and we used to be able to put Rockets, 2 Snipers, 2 Overshields and 2 Camos on maps. The last bit of Halo I played was Reach and **** - it sure did feel good to see weapons on the map. Now I don't even want to spawn a Plasma Rifle.