Rebooting one of my old maps, penrose It's playable go check it out DuChrist
question re. sound overlap - - I have attempted to spruce up the map with sound effects, but in customs none of them play - to boot, other players' gunfire, footsteps, and spartan ability effects are muted as well.. any thoughts?
no what happens is that gunfire coming from a direction you aren't facing gets muted - as soon as you turn around, the sound comes back - it is really bizarre, and I can't for the life of me figure out what causes it
reminds me of pubg, where the game can only play like 3 sounds files at any time, so if there are multiple people shooting, you just won't hear anything else hahahahahahaha and it absolutely will get you killed because footsteps are loud as hell in that game and it trains you to listen for them that game is a joke on basically every level but the shooting and projectiles