Map map won't be playable until around a week or two from now, but that's because of the scripting, not the layout. I might just copy that key prefab from Martian and try to get a unsc ball to work as the key. Not sure how it'll work, though.
do you have any advice for where might be better? I built right near the center, just off the 256 floor piece if worst comes to worst I already saved the 'accent' as a prefab so no big deal - it might actually be better suited for Alpine (again)
Stay away from the waterfall or turn it so the least sightlines face it? Back in Reach on Forgeworld I had maps that were fine even viewing them in their entirety from the outside but as soon as that waterfall was in view it tanked. Throwing darts blindfolded, no idea if it makes a difference. Edit; just reread that you're on Tidal and not on Alpine
no waterfall on tidal but I know what you mean // that might be the problem with the other one I posted though...
Delete all lights on the map and check performance again. Maps under 1000 hard objects shld not have frame rate issues unless too much glass, high poly count objects or Lights are used.
will do, I'll check in a couple hours the only high-poly objects I've used are a few rock columns, maybe some terrain // otherwise its about 250 max for the 'accent' and 400 or so for the rest of the ****, with only 6 point lights around the map, and no conflicting colors
Sounds like everyone's down for 4v4s tonight? I actually have the day off for once I have weapons, spawns, and strongholds down for Custle if you guys wanna throw that into the mix. Still have to do piece management, art(ish), and the scripting for the grates. The grates are gonna be manual and on a power weaponish cooldown because I don't really see any point in forcing the map to use a key at this point.
you crazy motherfucker can you assign channels to each face so that whichever one is facing up you get to use that doors?
Closed off some pathways and tended to some of the terrain ****ery. Moved damage boost and replaced the mule rod with the bonary ripple.