Disregarding the no anime bit. Dragon ball. Teen Titans Avatar, the airbender and legend of korra one both Archer Spongebob obv Rick & Morty I'll probably think of more later.
Teen titans. A great mix of characters, and a great mix of serious and light episodes. Avatar the Last Airbender Samurai Jack @MultiLockOn what did you mean by LoK one? Like season one?
I loved X-Men and Batman: The Animated Series when I was a kid. Nowadays nothing really but Rick and Morty is kinda funny. My wife enjoys them very much though. Simpsons, Avatar, Family Guy, etc.
No it was just weird phrasing to say I liked both Avatar shows, but season 1 of Korra was absolutely the best. Amon was great, everything else was as well until the bullshit ending where they just gave her bending back - and those bullshit endings became a trend. All 4 seasons of Korra had tremendous premise and then had like 1 really really stupid thing to ruin it. Season 2 was the connection between the spirit world and the regular world I believe? Which ended with Aangs daughter magically flying into the air somehow and zapping the monster to kill it for God knows what reason. Season 3 with the gang of 4 criminals was great I think, I don't remember. Season 4 with the Earth bending tyrant was great and then they just made Korra ******* at the end with no build up or reason for it outside of SJW, pretty much ruined the show for me.
Yeah i'm going to have to ignore the no anime bit as well... Clannad Spice & Wolf Death Note Naruto Elfen Lied The melencholy of haruhi suzumiya And more i can't remember i'm sure ^#^
I liked both, but i put ATLA on another tier. LoK s1 was probably the best, but my favorite part of the show was when they go into explaining the origins of bending. The ******* thing totally caught me off guard, too. The writers said they clearly had chemistry through the whole show. I didnt see anything.
Yeah the last airbender is absolutely a masterpiece, I just enjoyed Korra for what it was. It really never took off, I don't even think the final 2 seasons were aired on TV at all only their website lol
Looking good!, your medieval aesthetic style gets better and better with each map you make keep it up!
Spongebob Ed, Edd, n Eddy Samurai Jack Dexter's Laboratory Courage the Cowardly Dog Jimmy Neutron Fairly Oddparents Powerpuff Girls Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated Dragon Ball Kai/Super (English Dubbing) One Piece (English Subtitles) Sonic X (Only the first two seasons though. The Sonic Adventure 2 retelling and the robot alien stuff was garbage) Kirby of the Stars/Kirby: Right Back At Ya
Star Wars The Clone Wars because the cinematography and action is ****ing amazing and it has actual good character development Tron Uprising because it's a fun ride through the Tron universe and has pretty good action scenes Gargoyles because ****ing Kieth David and the show is badass Avatar The Last Airbender because good world building, characters, and action Teen Titans because the action is great and it's funny Code Lyoko because I was 12 and obsessed (no but really it had some pretty good episodes once it broke its monster-of-the-week formula) Oh and can't forget the classics - Tom and Jerry and Scooby Doo Most of Toon Disney in the early 2000s was fun too.
I don't remember a damn thing about this show other than Korra looking better with short hair and Season 2 and 3 being trash.