Dude, the s’mores pop tart has a graham cracker crust. Every other pop tart has the same exact crust but the s’mores has its own. Because it’s the best. Chocolatey, marshmallowy inside melted to perfection with the graham cracker crust... No other pop tart of any flavor can hang. Cooked or cold.
Brown sugar iced (w/ butter) Blueberry iced (w/ butter) Strawberry iced (w/ butter) These are the only 3 poptart flavors that matter. Everything else is the equivalent of Halo 5 Tronrunner aesthetic and you have bad opinions.
I have an idea for a theme for a 4v4 map, but I don't know if I want to get gold to forge and probably never actually finish it. Probably gonna draw up a top-down first and see if it won't be complete dog.
I'm glad you picked up on that lol It was already one of the whitest arguments I've seen in a while haha.