I have no idea who's being sarcastic or not on this page. I'm pretty sure NGAs first post was sarcastic but then multi and xandrith seemed to believe it but maybe they were just carrying on and then xandrith realized but multi seemingly still didn't and then... **** I'm confused.
His map will be revealed when pride and arrogance will be replaced with a more reserved, humble and modest mindset. So never.
So I did a little bit of digging, courtesy of Halo's awesome stat tracking and this is what I found. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/game-history/players/soldat duchrist?gameModeFilter=Custom&start=0&count=10 Soldat's custom tracking says he played several custom games yesterday, only one of which was on a map that he made. Roundhouse_wip. Most of these games he was with No god anywhere, on that match on roundhouse_wip you can see he's playing with no god's alt, no gods exist. Both No Gods Exist and Soldat DuChrist only have a single game on a custom map last night (excluding their matches on Legion Oblivion and Arcanum lmao) and it's that Roundhouse_wip. You can bookmark the film as I did and fly around but it's a pretty simple circular shape, looks like a 1v1 map to me. I didn't see any key doors nor did I see anything that resembled the picture Soldat posted of the rooftop style he was trying to replicate. They didn't even play on it either, just jump around for 3 minutes. Perhaps that was just No God's next 1v1 map but that leaves me with a few possible conclusions. 1: No God was lying about playing the map but he did see it in forge since Waypoint doesn't track forge sessions. Key scripting also breaks in forge so you wouldn't even be able to play w/ working doors outside of customs so idk 1b: The map looked too good to be true by his own words, so Soldat probably just prefabbed more of people's maps and copied them in like before. 2: He's trolling us as well? And there is no map 3: That roundhouse_wip is the map Soldat's been talking up, which i refuse to believe because I couldn't even find key doors on it anywhere. Looks nothing like anything we've been lead to believe. This kinda makes sense because why else would no god switch to his alt account mid session. Before this game he was on his primary. My bet is on 2. Why are we even talking about this, this is so stupid. But he sure does love playing my maps lol.
you mean HIS maps that you went forward in time to steal and then improve upon, just to post them here in the past
I wouldn't have even gone to the extent of looking at recents or stat tracker lmao you guys are genius. It's like I'm watching an episode of Catfish unravel lol.
NGA trolled you all. I thought his Goldleaf response kind of proved that. My question is why does a guy that once said he wanted to change his gamertag a year ago now have an alt that basically says the same ****. NGA you scrub
the greatest mystery is that no dog anywhere and soldog have polar opposite gamertags and are somehow buttbuddies it would be like me hanging around with barry the butcher
Holy ****, lol. I find it both annoying and inspiring that you guys take this stuff this seriously. Off topic, I'm still working (incredibly slowly) on an aesthetic piece. It's going to use too many pieces and look bland compared to the stuff the rest of you are doing, but I have to start somewhere. I could use some basic advice... When is the best time to do lighting? I haven't started it at all yet aside from building so that the sun enters through windows from the direction I want it to. I'm starting to feel like that was a mistake, and that I should've figured out my lighting really early on in the process. My main concern right now is a tiled floor I have, where all of the tiles are the same color. Some of them are showing up much darker/lighter than others. Will I be able to get rid of this with proper lighting? Unfortunately, I don't have the option to turn off light bake since I'm using metal pallets, and it's not an available option.
If you’re using natural lighting, Building with the light source in mind is important, and you should figure out what canvas skybox and colors you’re using in the beginning. That can change over time, but in Forge it’s better to start with it. Of course, if this was a better editor we could just move the light source and change the skybox later...