Objective as in "this map would be better at what it is trying to accomplish if this was addressed somehow".
in other news, i'm trying to juggle balanced composition light framing thematic division progressive geometry all while baking a behavioral trait into my layout with 1600 objects i wonder how close i am to 99 failures
I guess that depends on the creator. I dont enjoy the map, mostly because its a chore to move around. The room with the casket alone is ridiculous the way youre expected to move from it. But its present throughout the entire map. Its just not a smooth experience. Of course, the darkness contributes to that as well, especially when youre jumping over the lava. I’ve invited non-forgers to play the map, to get other perspectives, and that’s the common complaint. The problem with surrounding yourself with forgers, is then tend to be blinded by something visually appealing enough to lose their sense of functionality. They look past the issues.
It's one of the top downloaded/played maps in Halo 5, was on page 2 of the content browser for a while. Now its around 7. Not appalling to non forgers is a pretty weak argument that considered.
I feel like goat right now because I fixed the layout and the atmosphere got way better and I'm super duper excited but I probably won't have the objects to put down 60 trees for the skybox ahahahahaha
this is why i stopped making maps with trees i've literally sketched 30 top downs today because i can't make up my mind how i want to frame the light source
I’m surprised youre using that as an argument, because you should know what im going to say: Look at the other most downloaded maps. Oblivion is there because it looks nice. Its the same reason every competitive map is there. The question is does the gameplay make people want to keep playing it? All I have to answer the question is the few outsiders I invited to check it out.
I swear to god xzamples you inbred sack of ****, you said my map wouldn't appeal to people aren't forgers. I literally gave you an objective metric to prove that it appeals to non forgers. And now you're telling me that that casuals aren't a critique of quality. Is there any parallel universe where you can follow the most simple and straightforward conversation without forgetting your sentence halfway through and regurgitate another dumbass opinion. How do you even write your name without stopping halfway through to convince yourself that letters are subjective. I swear you are actually peak ****ing retard.
You guys can **** on Far Cry all you want, but you cant deny the ability to rotate the sun/moon and adjust other lighting variables is something forge seriously lacks.
There are obviously times when art and gameplay conflict with one another - I know that better than anyone. But I don't think there's anything on Oblivion that was designed to be pretty before it was designed for gameplay. Outside of its theme, all the pathing is made to serve a specific purpose for the gameplay it promotes. Of course, with Forge there is always room for improvement. I'm sure there are ways to make the map more accessible without compromising its design, but that's not for me to say. All I know is 343 ****ed Parallax and that map is unfortunately one of many that got caught in the crossfire. I was just curious because I considered moving it to another canvas to fix the lighting for the hell of it.
PSA. Due to feedback from the community we have decided to update the gametype from Default Team Slayer to Team Arenas Settings for the 4v4 Forge Contest. In the Custom lobby the game type can be found under 343 Industries and is called Slayer HCS. For those who do not know the main changes, here they are. Radar only shows shooting and spartan abilitys. Ground Pound and Spartan Charge is disabled Thank you for you feedback and we will let you know of any other changes going forward. Thanks and happy forging. Sethiroth