Who would win? A completely original set of artistic art palettes, sound design, and music themes known industry wide to millions of people? Or one 343 BOI
I like the McDonald’s playace, didn’t notice that aesthetic cue - but no, there’s no vex and the only sangheili peices I used were the statues to make it look vaguely like a Buddha Edit- where’s the unsc?
"When I brought up the issues I had with your maps, I always carefully chose my words as not to say thatthe changes I’d make were objectively better. Every issue I had came from a place of logic andexperience" You told me oblivion was bad because the slanted walkways made you feel uncomfortable. "I am a person who sees life in shades of grey. Very neutral, sometimes indecisive, and very prepared for myviews to continue to change... But, if you think it’ll spark some profoundchange in me, prepare to be disappointed." It's like you're not even trying anymore. You're contradicting yourself in the same paragraphs now.
I like weird slants cuz I think of what a spartan would do to traverse it, and then overlap that onto how the mechanics and movement look and operate. Sure it takes some getting used to (remember your first time doing wiggly jigglys on Sanctuary's rocks?), but in the right hands they can be the difference between winning a gunfight.
Has anyone actually listed any objective problems with Oblivion aside from the blown out contrast on Paralax thanks to 343 ****ing with the lighting, and that one gay rock jump that Multi doesn't want to fix
Another typical Multilockon misrepresentation of what was actually said. The slanting geometry was more of a knit pick that contributed to the overall biggest issue the map has. I’ve had problems with something on every map of yours, and I’ve told them to you. If you want me to go over them again, I will. I know those two points sound contradictory, but I only say it because I know everything youre going to say about it. You have not brought any new information to me through this exchange anytime it gets brought up. @Goat Depends on your use of objective, but yes I have.