What I want to know, is how would you guys go about setting up a recommendation "poll" for these H3/h4 maps on Forgehub? What sources would we cite to ensure the cream of the crop gets forwarded?
Honestly, while this type of discussion is fantastic, and I've been hoping for the community to reach a level where we can talk about these things on a large scale, I think it's really only productive on a small scale still. I find it to be counterproductive for the vast majority of forgers. For some, being able to do build a level that achieves a baseline requirement of being 'fair' is a given, a foregone conclusion. The number of people that's true for is extremely small though. If we look through the maps submitted, it's clear to see that this type of discussion is beyond the majority of forgers. So for me, while I understand the point that's being made, I think it's counterproductive for most designers. It's akin to explaining calculus to a first grader. At best, they're not going to understand it. At worst, they're going to think they understand it, and apply it in a way that does more harm than good.
There is no way I’d reforge any H3 maps in H3 MCC. If anybody has made a decent map on MCC H3 kudos to you.
When we can't make any ground on a topic despite spending like 2 years on it, I'm inclined to think that it's been a waste of time. That has nothing to do with nihilism lmao I didn't say life is meaningless
TBH this whole conversation has helped me understand that thrust launchers aren't the end all be all of map design. Well, unless it shoots you through an oblivion-style teleporter, making a 2-way teleporter be a potential aggressive ground pound play maker and a costly escape route by having thruster depleted and placing the player at the lowest position on the map. But that's not the point. Why haven't I been working on this map? This would be dope if I actually published it. Oh well lol
Most retarded evening ever. 11 o' clock and 88 degrees, no wind nothing. Humidity is crazy. And the cats look at me as if it's all my fault.