Get the pitchforks and nooses ready boys. I have cancerous opninon. While I think chill out is more intelligently designed, and thus a "better" map. I think molten might actually play more to my tastes in Halo 3. Maybe I haven't played molten enough but if it was in H3 I think I'd rather vote that for my 49 to 50 Ranked Slayer match vs Cold Storage.
Well...... Cold Storage was dog **** in H3 lmao those two maps would probably play pretty similar in that game.
only bungie would put camo/sniper and os/rockets right next to each other, right on top of each other, and tell you to go on a narrow bridge to go get them
xzamples already won that with the subjectivity stuff - we've been on this for at least a year and a half
Shoot I am going to play this dangerous game here. So I am going to ask a 2 main questions. I am going to use H2 as a reference to my questions, mainly Lockout and Warlock. I choose these maps because they have different play styles to the core of them. You may chose to answer these questions out loud on here or to yourself but if you do answer these questions on here please give explanation why. 1. Objectively speaking which is better. A map that promotes extreme camping(Lockout) or a map that promotes extreme movement(Warlock). If you choose to answer this question on here then please give a explanation. 2. Subjectively speaking what do you ENJOY more. A map that promotes camping(Lockout) or a map that promotes extreme movement(Warlock). If you choose to answer this question on here then please give a explanation. The point that I am making is that you as a level designer NEED to understand both words completely. In order to be the best at something you have to KNOW something. So the Goal of playing Halo is to reach the Max score and WIN. Thats the point of the gameplay. So here is my answers to the questions above 1. Objectively speaking a map that promotes camping is objectively worse then a map that promotes movement. Reason being. If everyone is camping on the map. Then no one will die because people are not running into each other. Lockout is the example I used because often times the map will finished without reaching max score. Where as Warlock will finish early a majority of the time. There for Objectively Warlock is the better map for Halo now this is just comparing these two maps. Knowing what the goal is. 2. Subjectively speaking I enjoy playing Lockout more. Reason being is that I feel every kill is super important and matters more. Where as Warlock feels like a mosh pit and kills are just happening for happens sake. Thats my personal feeling on it. SO as a designer YOU need to learn personally how to balance subjective and objective. The two words exist for reason, Its because both are REAL. As a designer of anything. Its your job to understand all aspects of everything in order to make the best product you possibly can. DO NOT SETTLE FOR AVERAGE. Its your responsibly as a Designer to learn and to recognize the objective truths of level design. I am not going to give you the list also, Learn it yourself. Its also your responsibly as a designer to understand the subjective manner that people look at things in. If you as a Designer learn all these TRUTHS you will be a great designer and not someone who is just average looking for excuse to call yourself good. Average is NOT good, its Average. So someone that who values learning more so that they can have better understanding AND LEARNING how to apply what he has learned is what makes a good designer. DROPS MIC
bet·ter1 ˈbedər/ adjective 1. of a more excellent or effective type or quality. "hoping for better weather" synonyms: superior, finer, of higher quality; More 2. partly or fully recovered from illness, injury, or mental stress; less unwell. "she's much better today" synonyms: healthier, fitter, stronger; More adverb 1. more excellently or effectively. "Johnny could do better if he tried" synonyms: to a higher standard, in a superior/finer way "I played better today" noun 1. the better one; that which is better. "the Natural History Museum book is by far the better of the two" 2. datedhumorous one's superiors in social class or ability. "amusing themselves by imitating their betters" verb 1. improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement). "bettering his previous time by ten minutes" synonyms: surpass, improve on, beat, exceed, top, cap, trump, eclipse "he bettered the record" SO if you look at these definitions here. It states that Excellent or Effective is the answer so my question back to you is seeing that the goal for Halo is to reach MAX SCORE and WIN which map is Objectively better. Warlock or Lockout