While I was helping my friend and trying to break his map, I have noticed that you can easily jump anything with A bruteshot and a grenade. After this I decided to try to compare the jump with other things. Here are some pics Regular Jump Crouch Jump 1 Grenade Jump 1 Bruteshot Jump 2 Bruteshot Jump 3 Bruteshot Jump 4 Bruteshot Jump + Overshield 5 Bruteshot + Overshield 1 Bruteshot + Radar Jammer or 1 Bruteshot + 1 Grenade 2 Bruteshot + Radar Jammer + 1 Grenade + Overshield 3 Bruteshot + Radar Jammer + 1 Grenade + Overshield Thats all that I took on Foundry, more will come in Avalance. If you really want a Bruteshot in your map, be ready to make it taller then 3 double boxes Oh yeah, and Sorry for breaking this to you
I just learned a new way to jump Good find, I guess people are going to have to completely block off areas that they don't intend to use.
thanks for telling us and all, but i think it wouldve been better if you kept it to yourself. Because if one person tries it somewhere and another person sees it, then it gets more known
this was a good idea to post something like this but really whos goin to put hat much effert into breaking in gameplay in a custom game unless there a complete ass hole lol.
Just like you did with Brokovich. I cant belive people didnt know how brute shots can assist the height of jumps. But do you think you're gonna waste your brute shot in the middle of a game just to get out of the map. If you do, you may not be able to return with out suicide, and I'd call that a fail.
Why doesnt the person do this instead of all of that. jump on someones head and then they jump then you 3 bruteshot jump. Easier than ever.
In an Infection game a human could stay safe. It'd be a no fun, but people don't care about that as long as they win.
it'll become well known one way or the other, so unfortunately, u have to limit yourself to use items up on a wall to the ceiling, or use items to build a floor up to the elastic ceiling, truly quite a sad thing, though, with these (somewhat) new limits, it makes a great map, all the greater when they had to waste peices on a wall/floor like just mentioned...
It is really just something that people have to be careful about. If you are forging on foundry make sure the ceiling goes all the way to the top. I have broken out of End of The Line easily because it has a bruteshot and overshield (sorry Draw the Line), but this wasn't well known then. On the other hand, Pallet Parade's walls go all the way to the ceiling so it was impossible for me to get out. Just be careful, if you want a bruteshot on your map, add more height to your walls.
^DtL made End of the Line, not Mallet. And yeah, Brute Shots=escape. My methodology is 'if you can get out with in Forge Mode, it's probably escapable.'
thanks for clearing up the part about dtl n mallet nemi, i was all like "oh mah gawd, my life as i knew it is nothing! i tawt i new stufz but omg, i iz dumb" ....but as for your methodology, that is the same policy i go by...
That is a pretty smart way to prevent this, but you could also make a ceiling like some other people said. But if you need me to test if the map is able to get out of, PM me. I am up to a challenge