It's really getting old discussing this same topic with you, but yes. There is a standard. The idea that someone can hold a contest for $1000 for the best "core" map and then judge it by how many plasma grenades are in each room and it be just as viable is ridiculous. The current parameters value readability over something that apparently has an actual effect on gameplay, like who created this scoring system lmao. If I held a contest and these were my categories Gameplay (5 points) Aesthetics (8 points) Visuals (12 points) Art (25 points) Lighting (4 points) Spawning (2 points) Creativity (10 points) Uniqueness (10 points) Originality (10 points) I would hope someone would say something about it. That's basically what I feel I'm looking at with the current scoring system. But hey, another mediocre contest in the books why not. This is why no one takes Forgehub seriously lmao.
I know what a contest is, but yes the paramaters/rules define what it is. But changing the paramaters absolutely can make it better. It is ignorant to think otherwise. The parameters could be a **** eating contest where the goal is to eat the most ****, but if we change the **** they are eating to pie, it now becomes a much more enjoyable experience for competitors and spectators. Here's a Great real example: basketball In the early days of basketball, the rules allowed for goal tending. It wasn't a problem because they thought that no player would ever be able to get high enough that it'd be a problem. Well George Mikan was tall enough to do it, and he made it impossible for the other team to score and it sucked. Even George knew what he was doing ruined the game, and he worked with officials to outlaw "goaltending" from the game. There are plenty of players now who are capable of getting that height now that the game wouldve devolved to a water polo with your nephews at a kiddy pool if nothing was done.
Believe me, im tired of it too. But, you and i have a hard time keeping our opinions to ourselves. I dont agree. If the goal is to have the most plasma grenades, then that is all there is to it. I think its ridiculous to tell people what to do with their money. Readability has a strong effect on gameplay. Id have no problem with you running a contest that way. I wouldnt do it, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt be able to. If people dont take Forgehub seriously, then they dont take any forge community seriously. Its silly to judge a site by the contests it holds. Contests are meant to advertise the site, and get people to create new maps for people to enjoy. Thats all. @MartianMallCop Again, i just dont agree. That would be a change. Changing the rules of a sport is completely different.
I just make wacky ****, so maybe I could be a judge strictly upon the uniqueness aspect. Make me a judge. I promise to, at a maximum, be as cringy as Obama dabbing on Twitter. Edit: It's actually pretty easy to make a slayer map that doesn't just play like ants under a magnifying glass. Just look at Stanley Steamer lol it's literally the perfect 4v4 map. Eat my shorts h8rs ;p
So you're saying that you would value gameplay as one of the least important aspects of a map and its art the most important. The only people this system would help would be people like you who can't design good maps and rely on pretty visuals to cover up their garbage gameplay.
He made a fake list and said that people should see a problem with it. That's not what he actually values You proved his point
Someone say something about active mythic members?... Edit: Who is this German Panda Guy, lol. I like him already! I wonder who his real username is?
I was thinking 2 flag, strongholds, assault, and oddball. All in due time of course. I'm waiting on the scripters guild to get 1 flag done and if they can get that done I would LOVE to have forgehub host a 1 flag contest. Im just happy I can start pushing out these contests. I really wanted them back when I wasnt staff, but now that I am, I'd like to get these contests out for the rest of the site. We really should have had these a while ago.