Well I wasn't planning on making a map this year. But seeing everyone talk about making maps kinda makes me want to jump in. I have a few designs that was never finished so I have some starting points
I know you're trolling but I'm pretty sure you forgot that I'm the one who actually told you to put the vine wall over the grates because you had no idea to communicate that it was a hard surface players couldn't walk through.
All this talk about forge is making me want to uninstall the game because its over 100 gigs. Really though, ive got a basically finished blockout and need someone to art that **** up for me.
I wanna forge but playing Far Cry for the last few months has made me completely forget the controls. I seriously feel like it's 2015 again. I mean, I'm sure if I did it for a while muscle memory would kick back in, but by that time I'd probably just hate forge again.
Okay. I could forgive everything you've said up until this point but now you're straight up lying. You had the path completely open, but you didn't want people just jumping off of it. You didn't know how to do player containment that you could still see out of to retain visibility. I told you to make a vine wall with an invisible blocker. You said it was a good idea and then implemented it.
Fine, maybe your right. I just remember having vines on those arched door ways lining the walkway, but then i did change it to make it more open and that might have been when you made the suggestion, i don't remember
This entire slop-out was made today and today alone. Ignore the domes, they're just roofing placeholders for the towers so that these pictures didn't look like ****. I'll make my own new thing like the spires when i rebuild the map. You can see the green/red/yellow leaves in the trees. That's just a few powerful spotlights and it looks really good. I'm pretty stoked about the colors on this map and the layout is decent. I also saved a ton of objects while also making the cathedral geo look better so that's pretty dope 1 day, good luck solbrat
Basic shape looks sick! The cathedral is adorable and really reminds of ones I've seen in Germany and Europe overally. And I've seen a lot... Spot on! I know, you said the two rooftops are placeholders, I'm hoping you speak of the shape, too? Since the architectural top design between those two towers and the cathedral don't fit together very well. The very top is the same, which is good for continuity, but the lower orb part is more like an Arabian, South Europe thing than Middle Europe. I've never seen such a cathedral next to such shapes, in any city. If you want to go for something different, awesome, or if you like what I just said that it's something unexpected and new, go for it! Just spitting out some stuff. ^^
Rough topsidedown sketch for a strongholds key map. The stronghold located on top of the murder grate can be opened with the key (making it the one stronghold the keyholder can't hold (holdy ****)), and each other one will have a positive and a neutral effect to oppose the grate. Unsure on how I want the bottom left and top right to play.
Thinking on it more, the only drawback to having the key while at the top stronghold is being able to cap. I almost forgot you can levitate in the air for a full 5 seconds, making reseting the stronghold a breeze by dumping the opposing team to the bottom. Also purely is the reason everyone started making maps again. While everyone was busy waging war, he hypnotized us over and over again with Maps
Dude. This is the coolest things I've seen you build. Keep up with it man Needs rooftop fights though