The hyphen ruined it. But to awnser your question, no. Soldat is always loldat even though he never makes good jokes. If Soldat went to eat a fruit cup, wouldn't he be Doledat?
If he became an ironic meme and we made a thread full of lame puns on his name, would he scrolldat? But if he was actually the best, would he ever make a map to showdat?
How would we even knowdat. We're all too busy playing goodmaps to forgecrap. _____ This whole thread reads like a kanye verse. Edit: and @Soldat Du Christ your next map won't determine **** because your last 5 were still rookie. Go click on my map tab and tell me what you see. That's 4 years of consistency, bucking trends, and pushing the envelope. You're just riding the coattails of everyone you just tagged. Everything you know are design tricks you learned from my videos, hell your best map is literally just a **** version of Arcanum- MY key concept. You couldn't even replicate success after I pioneered it, perfected it, and put it in front of you. Now go take notes again on my **** and watch how real designers push boundaries again, clown ass
I had a conversation with my 10 year old nephew about fortnite and he said "they nerfed the only two skill based parts of fortnite, shotguns and building" this kid is going places Edit: also I'm fully planning on turning into an elitist douche one day, but first I have to make a map that actually reflects where I think I'm at in terms of ability I was talking to goat about this last night. The reason I can joke about myself and goldleaf (apart from just understanding the immaturity of ego defense) is that maps like goldleaf didn't actually represent where I was at when I made it. I literally saw a demption dome and made a map in an hour, and that's not a joke. The map was finished in a day lmao I know it's stupid to just say "my maps aren't representative of my ability" and it seems like a cop-out, but I bring it up because I think this scenario can be legitimately true about a person and their maps because I think it's true about my situation. I don't really think it's true for soldat, but we'll see. I also bring it up because it's a really shitty feeling. I literally can't stand that all of my maps started as something promising, and then I got lazy and turned them into really uninspiring husks of my original ideas. Cobalt is probably the only map where that didn't happen, but the design is just whatever. It was a successful at what it was, and I think it still may be one of the best room based map for 2's, but that's not good enough That's something I really, really admire about goat that I don't think I've ever told him. It's not just that his standards are too high and that he can't finish anything because of piece count, but the dude is the opposite of lazy. One wrong thing with a map, and he can recognize that it's better just to start over if that's the case. Most people, including myself, tend to just "patch" the problem. There's nothing inherently wrong with patchwork, but I really respect someone who is literally reaching for perfection with hundreds of hours of work like he does and doesn't shy away from realizing that he could do better. And then there's christian, who works on a map for a year, makes it, releases it, and never touches it again. And it works every time lmao goals
Soldat, so whack I should give Soldat a bold smack from Multi Cause you sold that key map, You're not good, you stole that Acting like the sole fact, The sole act, boy your maps are so crap and you know that Trolldat, boy you no tact, no talent forge hack You took the L, now hold that
I sit up on my throne and i'm here on my own i'm the king and my kingdom knowthat All them haters be mad making memes call me fake think the maps that i make never showdat But i say **** the rest of the whiners cause they know i'm the best designer Put a end to the crap when i post this map and they see they far belowdat My pride may be big but my **** way bigger when i'm done niggas gonna blowdat Sweepin all the polls look at all this gold gonna get my girl to holddat Got my ninety nines and my stacks up here Imma open they eyes and clear they ears Put a end to the crap when i post this map Then they call me by name, King Soldat