I've been holding this in for years, and can't take it anymore. Sanctuary sucks. Also, competitive Halo (I'm talking about actual tournaments) should consist exclusively of asymmetrical and one-sided objective gametypes. I'm not a hater of symmetrical maps, or of Slayer matches. However, if the goal of a competitive tournament is to determine the best team, then asymmetrical and one-sided objective gametypes are best suited to do this. There's no area in which symmetrical objective gametypes or slayer are a better test of skill.
I've got 66 messages still to catch up on but from what I've just read here's a reply someone else probably gives later on. My first question is do transgender people really choose to be transgender? I'm sure in some cases they do maybe most but also sometimes it's just how they are I guess. Secondly, the high suicide rate is likely not be due to them being transgender and that affecting their minds in some way as you seem to suggest (correct me if I'm wrong). Instead it's the same reason Jew suicide rates were so high in concentration camps. They are oppressed and not accepted in today society. Finally, I don't really think I've heard transgender people say being that way brings them joy and happiness. And even if they do that doesn't really change my point. Imagine you are happy with who you are and then people come along and tell you you can't be that way. It would've been the same for Jews. They were still happy to be Jews even if it got them killed. Otherwise wouldn't you just deny it, change your religion just to avoid oppression. Jews may have had that option if they didn't think being a Jew was worth the hate but I don't think it's quite as easy for transgender people to stop being that way. Right, now to continue reading. You guys have been crazy last few days, can we slow this down.
This is so irrelevant to the discussion and reasoning, and I'm not going to dive down this rabbit hole.
Yeah. I guess it's a discussion for another day as you were only really using your thoughts on transgender people to back up your thoughts on level design and whether we truly enjoy the stuff we say we do (My bad). Still an interesting topic... One that could get very heated I'd imagine so probably worth leaving it for a while.
Well I've read it all now so: -i know really want to start a things where I go through all of @icyhotspartin long posts and basically just shorten them while still making sure they say basically the same thing, just for a laugh. I also do wonder how differently his responses would be recieved if his replies were more clear and concise. - While this is a conversation with Xamples he hasn't replied yet so here's my stance. The"true self", as you put it, is the path derived from the choices you make and the choices you make are then influenced by your "true self" which in turn changes your "true self"/makes the path longer. Basically all your past choices effect the future. You may think, doesn't this idea need a starting point as you start with no experiences/choices made. I guess I'd just call that starting point your DNA/genetics. Basically I'm saying your "true self" is a combination of genetic/inherited factors but perhaps more importantly your experiences/environmental factors. -i do like Icy's idea of basically, although there is an ideal in level design to strive to, we don't know what it is as we're not judging with criteria which is proven to be what is ideal only on what we see as ideal. Interesting stuff guys. Lots of cool food for thought and well earned likes (by which I mean not just cheap jokes, or stuff I have to like cos I totally agree)
somebody please tell me if there are scripted power ups that we can run over and pick up like classic halo
This is a hard topic. It's never fun to tell someone that they don't actually know what they really want, because it can be straight up degrading. There is almost no context or person soft-spoken enough to relay this idea without being a little offensive. One thing I will say is that there isn't a ton of utility in bringing this up in a non-formal setting, for the reasons listed above. A video or even thread is a lot better, because this sort of thing takes a certain mindset to sink in. Just go tell your average gamer on Xbox that he/she doesn't actually like sword base or bloom, and they'll probably rage quit your party. That's why I tried exploring this idea within the framework of psychological similarity when I made my thread. We are more alike than different, which means that you can learn patterns, implement them, and see success more or less every time. I should also point out to anyone reading this, and I think I can speak for Christian on this regard, that none of us completely understand what we're talking about. Only a fool would assert complete knowledge of the collective unconscious. A lot of us are somewhere on the spectrum, but unfortunately the majority haven't even started to think about qualifiable design principles, and are subsequently stopped at the starting line.