I'm not being contradictory. I just don't think there is "someone at the top". It's not Multi It's not Given It's not Nexn It's not Seth It's not Solo It's not Salty It's not Purely it's not a Chunk It's not You It's not Me And it's not anyone else I could think of, and the reason is simple: if you ask anyone of those people to make ONE RAMP, there will be 10 different versions of that ramp. We could all agree on a reference point of "the perfect ramp" and still have a completely different interpretation of it. Therefore, it is pointless to try to reach the stars from the summit of the mountain (there's a pun in there somewhere). There is a certain point where skill level evens out and the only thing that matters is the distinctions that define you from the others at your level. I think Michael Jackson is the greatest entertainer, but there are several people who would put Elvis, Fred Astair, Prince, James Brown, or Freddie Mercury next to him.
If some are better than others, then there has to be someone at the top. You can't get around this no matter how you slice it. It's a technical impossibility for only one half of that statement to be true. And just to be clear, I wouldn't point this out of it weren't useful. It's incredibly useful to be able to rank order people with yourself in mind. We all have our differences, which is actually why it's necessary to do this. If you want to get better at anything, you need a reference point. I want to be able to look at the people around me and see what they did and understand WHY it's good. That's not possible without hierarchy, and there doesn't exist a hierarchy without someone at the top.
When have I ever spewed bullshit? I'm always trying to encourage discussion on design - and the things I encounter on my own maps that excite or frustrate me. Talking about the creative process is interesting to me when it doesn't devolve into the "objective vs subjective" crap. But I guess it's more fun to meme my posts because hurr durr Goat is vain and can't finish maps.
Nah MJ is the greatest. Also not a fan of the unwillingness to rank something. Unless subjects are far disjointed, like comparing a banana to fortnite, I think it's pretty disingenuous to deny hierarchy.
Okay, I understand where you are coming from, but I don't find it necessary to compare myself to other people. Beyond the entertainment from "sTAtcHEckS", I don't need to rank myself and compete against someone to be the best at what I do. I'm only in a competition with myself because my abilities are not defined by the thought process or philosophies of anyone other than my own.
Bananas are inherently better than Fortnite because Potassium is inherently better than Cancer in a strictly non-fictional way. Can't have Wade messing with this argument...
I'd just like to pat myself on the back for never making a "Goat can't finish maps lol" joke ever on this forum. It was never funny.
And that's what you SHOULD be doing. There are too many variables to account for, so it's best for everyone to compete with themselves. However, it's not going to do you any favors to ignore other people and where they fall in comparison, because it's useful to look outside of yourself and peer into other peoples self-competition. We did that in the early days of Halo 5 forge and during the 2v2 competition, and it was a lot of fun.
**** dude I was just playfully giving you a legit compliment. Nothing passive aggressive about it. I'll just **** off then
I never denied hiearchy. I literally just made a "ranked list" because I like to sort things and see where I stack up. I just don't think it serves any purpose beyond that - for fun - and I wouldn't encourage anyone to think that way. Maybe you improve by aspiring to be better than someone, but the "objective perfect ideal" really doesn't mean anything to me. I know what I want, and I only aspire to be the best at that. And considering the incredibly diverse mindsets in this community alone, that's the position I stand by.