i'm not trying to reinvent the level design wheel or create a new art style that has never been done before. i'm just trying to create an environment i'm satisfied with.
I don't think he needs any more confidence lol. And I also don't like that "I design things that I enjoy playing" is quickly becoming a cop out here for broken maps.
Here's a cop out. I like to make steak kind of blah. I think it is bad to over season and you should let the person who is eating make that choice. FYI I like my steaks well seasoned.
I was having a cookout with my fam on July 4th and I told my dad that I wanted my burger medium rare. Then my step mom is like "no cook it well done" I said "no you're going to waste a burger" and she said "and you're going to waste money when we have to go to the hospital because you got sick" mfw well done beef
Im just over here In the corner trying get my boy back in the ring so y'all wawo pay per viewers can watch a knock out finish haha. Let me explain what I meant by that line In your qoute. Timmy likes to play H5 and Forge maps for H5. Timmy plays other people's maps and likes them for x reasons. Timmy plays his own maps and reallly likes them for x reasons. Timmy concludes that beacause he had more fun on his maps, he must be a better designer. As flawed as it is, that must be where Soldats logic is at currently if he truly beleives himslef to be the "best designer". It's strange, almost everyone was so quick to jump on his back, noone thought to ask him WHY he beleives himslef to be the "best designer". His answer would likely refute his own beleif and we could all just sit here eating popcorn.
If it is a thin patty it can be really good. Blast that **** with some season salt, garlic and onion powder, and pepper and cook it till it's exterior has a lil bit of crust.
You make a good point but it's probably because he made it seem like he was trolling at first. I said this a while ago, and @a Chunk explained it a bit more, but there's really no such thing as "the best". Everyone's focus is different and everyone only knows what they know, so being "the best level designer" is like trying to fit a camel through the eye of a needle. I enjoy my maps "the best" because I build to my preferred environments. Of course I love almost all of your maps (**** Swag Crow) and I like seeing new designs from everyone. I wouldn't be Forging if I was the only one doing it because I'd get bored of playing only my own maps. But when I need that warm nostalgic feels-like-home vibe, there's no better place to get that for me than a Goat map. And it's my goal to share that lived-in, cozy feeling with others.
"An endless bridge seems pretty silly to me. I mean, why would an architect build something he'll never finish?"
Isn't the key with painting, as in BBQ, to trust your brushstrokes, to trust yourself and your choice of seasoning?
You're obviously not intelligent enough to absorb the great excerpts he has given us No wonder you can't finish a map
when I say 'trust the seasoning' I am of course referring to the grill brush and the choice of meat canvas upon which you lay your salts, peppers, and anchovy sauce
No I feel you man, and would be inclined to agree with you if I hadn't actually defended him several times, asking to either produce quality work or explain himself. Which he didn't. He asked me to provide examples, and back them up. Which I did, and then he laughed it off and said "haha lmao this dude wrote an essay" as if he didn't just literally ask me to write an essay. Dude is the definition of a clown ahahaha. Also, I'd be open to the whole "I enjoy what I play therefore it's the best" mindset if THIS wasn't the result of said design genius. How far do you have to stretch a square until it begins to look like the Mona Lisa. I've said this before but I absolutely believe that there are playstyles and preferences that are worth ignoring in level design.