The Fitness/Healthy Eating Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Doju, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    I'm gonna be honest, that turned me on a little

    Anyways, I don't know how many of you have experience with low carb diet, but I'm really starting to feel the "keto flu" in the mornings, and I'm sleeping wayyy lighter, to the point that I've started consistently waking up in the middle of the night

    I don't want to go full conspiracy theory on you guys, but this blog is the reason I'm basically only eating meat.

    Most animals eat like... 2 things total lol, so I don't think we were meant to eat any of this ****, a lot of which is even present in diets that are widely considered "healthy"

    Even the food pyramid was created by the department of agriculture, not the department of health, so the people who sell you food tell you what to eat lmao
    purely fat and a Chunk like this.
  2. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    I am doing the same thing I have had terrible headaches cutting sugar out of diet. I am starting to get over it though.
    a Chunk and Xandrith like this.
  3. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    As someone has been interested in this **** for years...

    DO NOT go low carb

    Im just too lazy to go finding sources honestly, but I promise there are certain energy systems our body can only use glycogen for, and when you have no carbs to use your body will use protein to convert to glucose and that process takes 10x longer than carbs would, resulting in sluggish feeling and also is harmful to your body.

    Ive done low carb when I was 17-18 and yes I felt great, but really it was just cutting out all the junk **** I ate that made me feel good.

    Ive always wondered about this low carb stuff, I would not buy into it, especially for anyone who is an athlete. Performance will ALWAYS be better with more carbs.

    I honestly just believe in eating Whole Foods and things that aren't processed.

    My diet literally consists of the following food every day:

    Sweet potatoes
    Ground Beef
    Dark chocolate
    Black coffee
    Almonds/cashews (any nut)
    Brown Rice (I need cheap complex carbs)

    My point is these things don't have novels on the ingredient labels. If you can't pronounce it then its probably not good for your body

    EDIT: I think I misinterpreted your post but whatever lol
    MULLERTJE, a Chunk and Xandrith like this.

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    It's easy to get lost in healthy articles and self appointed food gurus online but the fact remains that a healthy diet is not that hard to create, it's pretty much common sense. Gyms bore the **** out of me so my excercise is mainly bike riding and walking, and I have an active job where I walk and stand. I'm not an expert in food even though I worked with it for a long time but I just think you need to put a lot of variation in your diet, we all know what is good for us and what isn't on a basic level. Using the internet to find the healthiest food is easy but finding a whole diet is hard because there is too much 'wisdom' out there and I don't believe cutting out a whole food group is superhealthy. We are still omnivores who can get energy out of a whole lot of stuff.

    I have two friends who are very into sports, body shape and diet so I learn a thing or two but at the end it's just about variety and moderation, for me personally at least. I don't wanna go too far with it, I still enjoy things that are bad for me, but again, with moderation.

    Drink a lot of water, sleep well, excercise and try to eat as little processed food as possible. Eating healthy is supereasy if like me, you eat everything. Oh and I hate sugar so yeah I got that going for me.

    And marketing is awful these days with foods. It's all a big fat lying consumer trick. I don't trust any food company anymore lol. We have a tv show here that for the last 17 years gives the consumer some insights in everyday products. From salt, or ham, gluten or even potting soil. They purposely ask stupid simple questions on the scene or on the phone that we all take for granted and they never judge or verdict on the show. They give you the interviews and let you decide what to make of it. Awesome and informative so I've learned a lot in the last 17 years it's been running. The show has a kinda humoristic and cynical view that makes you more aware and think about stuff.

    Sorry, I feel like I'm rambling. I'll see if I can find an episode.
    #204 MULLERTJE, Jul 16, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
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    Just ask youtube to generate subtitles in English. (Yeah I'm aware most of you hate that.)

    This is about chicken for sandwiches but there is also an episode of human hair in bread and it's so weird lol.
    Box Knows likes this.
  6. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    isn't the trick avoiding complex carbs and eating simple carbs like fruits and potatoes. Certain rices as well. Wait brown rice is a complex carb? Damn.
    Xandrith likes this.
  7. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    You want to avoid insulin spikes which are caused by a high glycemic load (simple carbs)

    Thats why they they tell you to eat peanut butter with an apple, because the fat will help slow it down and drop the glycemic load. Glycemic index is over rated.

    Things like brown rice and sweet potatoes are complex carbs and keep you full longer, and gives you more energy/minimizes that sluggish feeling you get after eating like a pint of ice cream or like a whole pizza.

    Fat is actually really good for you. Lots of people avoid it, but I probably have 150 grams of fat per day. You want to stay away from trans fat and saturated fat but get your mono. fats from things like nuts. Olive oil is good too. Coconut oil has a lot of saturated fat...but there are good benefits to it.

    And don't think if I eat fat with 3 cans of soda it will drop the glycemic load thats not how it works lmao

    I read a book on the paleo diet when I was 17 and basically follow that with the exception of whole grains.
    Xandrith, a Chunk, MULLERTJE and 2 others like this.
  8. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    olive oil is also good for your kidney's
  9. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    75% of my diet is milk and bread
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  10. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    I do a low carb diet for about 8 weeks out before a show, it's really unhealthy but it works. My cut diet is only consuming half of your body weight in carbs and eating 4 times your body weight in clean protein. My carb of choice is sweet potato's qnd for protein is 99% lean ground Turkey.
  11. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    This was a hard cut I did for my last show
    198lbs and 20% bodyfat

    8 week cut
    171lbs and 9% bodyfat
    Box Knows and a Chunk like this.
  12. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    4x your body weight in protein?! Im just curious but did you create this yourself, or are you following a diet?

    I get cutting is necessary for shows, which is different. But functioning on a day to day basis without adequate source of carbohydrates is just going to hinder almost everything you do.

    That much protein is probably doing more harm than good internally as well. I would just be careful. Bad for your kidneys.

    Like I said your body needs glucose and with the absence of carbs your body will use protein to convert to glucose, however the process is much longer.

    If I were cutting I would take amino acids to retain my muscle mass and slightly lower my caloric intake. I would still eat carbs.

    Also another thing is I honestly don't believe in cutting or bulking. (To the extremes people make them out to be nowadays) I just believe in raw linear progression with a slight plus in caloric intake to properly recover from workouts. (And obviously cutting, but for things like shows only)

    And if you do cut it should be very gradual
  13. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    It's in grams I should have added so if you weighed around 200lbs you would consume 800 grams of protein to retain your muscle. Its extremely unhealthy but you want those abs that pop out and suck in like a lobster shell this cut its pretty much a guarantee.

    This diet is an extreme and is not meant to be a year round plan, and it's also good to get checked out by a doctor before you start, during and after.
    #213 Mags, Aug 5, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
    a Chunk and Box Knows like this.
  14. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    Im not even sure the rock consumes half of that in grams but yeah just be careful man
  15. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    He eats something around 10lbs of food a day, but this cutting diet at least the math of it all can be found in the Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. My daily diet is a lot healthier and I'll post it later today.
  16. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    No matter how much I eat, I cannot pack on pounds. I weight 145, I am 5'10 - any suggestions?
    Box Knows and qrrby like this.
  17. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    140, 6'2
    Same question.
    Box Knows likes this.
  18. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    Do compound lifts at the gym that target multiple muscle groups and start eating more. Its that simple. If you are just starting out at the gym you will make very fast gains and will put on muscle. After about 2 years is when plateaus happen (unless you know what youre doing)
    qrrby likes this.
  19. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    I think you underestimate the amount of food I've tried putting in my body and the state of my metabolism.

    Heaviest I've ever been at this height is 160 and that was due to a 'nothing but burger king' diet. I did the diet because I was mad the 'healthier' route did the opposite, and no variation of carbs, proteins, or fats were making a difference (over about 1 years time).

    Do you have any other, more extreme methods that you know of? Think of triathlons, marathons, and all of the other athons and pretend my body thinks its doing all of them every day. I already walk about 5 miles and bike 20ish 5 days a week, so I'm sure that plays a factor.
  20. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    Doing endurance work is going to give you exactly the results you are getting. Look at all marathon runners and people who focus specifically on endurance work that you listed. There are type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers (slow and fast) and youre working primarily endurance fibers. These fibers work submaxially for extended amounts of time. In other words you will never put on weight running or walking a few miles every day. You need to be doing heavy lifts that target fast twitch muscle fibers. These are the fibers that are responsible for muscle growth and gross movements.

    Seriously though compare sprinters to long distance runners

    Your body will adapt to how you train, its what it does. Specificity is key
    qrrby likes this.

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