@SaltyKoala - as you can see, this is Checkmate, and this is Fair and Square! For everyone else, I'm NOT a square forger! Edit - Look, angles! (Okay the odd beveled corners)
Part of what I find interesting about level design from a psychological standpoint is that we all seem to design maps (and interpret other people's designs) in accordance with our personal play style. We build based upon our in-game intelligence. This means that we're capable of building the best possible map for the style of play that we generally use, and for the players that share our combination of intelligence, awareness, and skill. On the other hand, we're generally unlikely to take into account alternative approaches to our map, because we're simply not conscious of what those approaches might be, or how they would be employed. This is why a forger can build a map that plays exceptionally well within the group of people they play it with. This is also why a forger might mistake this to mean that they've made an exceptional map. You know what you know, and you don't know what you don't know. The gap between those is what leads most forgers to misinterpret their own abilities. It's also the case that sometimes a forger is ONLY interested in building for their personal enjoyment, and in that context, they are bound to be the best at doing that, because they understand what they want and like better than anyone else. There are certainly cases where a designer can learn to account for play styles and levels of in-game intelligence that differ from their own, and these are the people that truly have the ability to be exceptional. It's also the case that very often other designers (being less flexible and observant) will not be able to recognize this ability, or understand the layers of thought put into a design. Those are my thoughts for the day. @a Chunk .. just wanted to say i appreciate what you said here and I think more people should reflect on this. Also <insert meme somebody for likes here>
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk_800anXJ3/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=ihk2h3dfxaf2 **** YOU GOATMAN
So I had a design epiphany. I can't really explain it but I learned how to subdivide and ya'll better watch yourself now. This image illustrates the concept. It's basically matter folding in on itself in a spiral fashion, so wherever that density is concentrated becomes the weakest part of the map
I keep forgetting that Dodecahedron is confusing for one main reason: fov. Designing maps with 105° fov really screws with how they play on console.
Throw that increased FoV filter on, if you aren't using a filter already, it might help. It does break ADS and aiming a little but ADS and aiming were broken to begin with so you may as well go all the way.