Also, I just watched a quiet place. I thought it was great movie but did anyone else feel like they sort of ripped off “stranger things” with the monsters?
honestly the novelty wore off pretty quick for me. The Darkest Hour was a shitty young adult film but it was actually more creepy because you couldn't even see the aliens. As soon as I read the plot to A Quiet Place it felt like it was less interesting than it could have been.
I know its different, but Redlynx has had user created content DLCs in both HD and Fusion. I think if 343 wanted to, they could go through whatever legal process to have devs re-create a forge map. But, I dont see it happening.
actually i'm gonna start doing one hour challenges for sketching so give me a random map theme and i'll do a random top down layout in an hour. i won't look up any concept art and i won't think too much... i'll just sketch a shape and then paint an isometric top down.
W WOW how DARE you spend more time enjoying your own content as if it's better than other peoples content! What are you some kind of self absorbed asshole?! Well? What is it?!
We all enjoy our own ability and try to recognize how far it stretches. As for you... Claiming the mantle of "deepest understanding of level design," when your best map is a square, is a new level of pride.
No offense to my boy tyler, but that map is average. A big ass hill isn't really the best idea for halo 5. Everything you say is either wrong, or so incredibly advanced that I can't even comprehend your opinions.