I considered at one point making a 2-D game where the levels would be made of pictures of a physical 3-D model. I may revisit that idea way in the future, but as of now I have never had the time or energy for that project to be a thing
paint tool sai. is a lightweight program like clipstudio. this is how i do my 1 hour challenges lol I'm doing a waterwheel now. Time to Forge.
I haven't forged in like 2 months and I totally feel like my life is missing something. It may be because I cant think about anything but getting out of where I'm currently at. I have been living at my mother in laws for 3 months while we sold our old house and looked for a new one. We are moving into our new house tommorrow night, but OMG, the last 3 months have been pretty hard. I have had 2 pretty big, bad things happen while ive been here. Both have been completely my fault which I blame on my living situation b/c thats all thats changed in my life. I had a bad bike accident 3 weeks ago, and on the 4th I almost set the house on fire while cooking breakfast.(forgot I was heating oil and stopped to help my son create account for some game and POOF! Putting out the fire burned me pretty bad too ) Like i said, living here has made me retarded. I took a look at making something last weekend for the flat map competition, but i knew i wouldn't have time to finish so I gave up before starting. I wonder if im going mental because i havent been forging, or because I am living at my in laws. Regardless, I'm moving out tommorrow and should be back at it soon. I really dont want to start something random this time so I'll keep trying to think of something new/unique. Dunco asked for ideas today, and it got me thinking. I wonder if its possible to make a map that is set within the rotting corpse of some sort of giant or titan. It could be cool and if Dunco doesn't attempt it, it may be the first thing I try when I get back at it. PS (Dont look for houses in Cali unless you have at least 50k to offer over asking price)
Problem with the Railgun is that it is mechanically indentical to the SPlaser and the the SPlaser was OP in BTB and sucked for infantry maps. They might as well have rebalanced the SPlaser to have same charge time and vehicle damage as the Railgun.
This so much this. I designed one of these in H2a and also made a version in H5 very few souls had the pleasure of viewing. Dunco, if you do this, dont let me down bro!
I no lie just closed on selling my house today. Bought it for 79k in 2008 and sold it for 125k. The bad part is after paying $750 a month for 10 years (90k) the pay off on the mortgage was still 68k. After closing costs and fees we will be receiving about 45k in my account tomorrow. Mortgages rape you though. After paying 90k over 10 years only 11k went to the actual house. That means I spent the amount of money the house was worth on interest ALONE. It’s horrible.