Wish I had a good clip to share but in the case of Dreamscape, being an exterm map and a small one at that, people can travel the full length of the map in nearly half the time as normal, which lets you pick off stragglers weakened from other fights. Also, tracking and range for Spartan charge w/ speed boost is broke af, so on a map as small as Dreamscape you can rocket yourself to players and get easy picks on people not paying attention (or people focused entirely on Rail). Center storm rifle + speed boost is also ****ed. Lowkey, better than the Rail.
Oh believe me no one is more annoying than me when it comes to those mechanics lmao I'm aware of the boost to charge and slide mechanics with it. I can't help but feel that it's more psychological than it is actually palpable though, especially when the enemy is aware you have speedboost it's easy to prepare for the incoming melee.
I remember feeling completely outraged at that leaked clip of the pickup animation in Halo 5 before the game came out, but I don't care nearly as much anymore. This desensitization means that Halo 5 is even worse than my current perception of it.
I decided to embrace that depression and make it a back area, which gives the building another storey and makes it more of the central nexus to focus the map away from the sides. It also lets that entire roof be playable. I guess I'll try and block it out. No point in sitting on a layout. And if I can't get this warm spring art style, there's a few ways to palette swap it.
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/qrrbrbirbei/video/55583808 Landing area of the hadoken Octopus will be on the far bottom left of the landing, shooting you up through a break in its tentacles and land on ryus shoulder
I admire your digital skills of an artist. I endeavor to have such skills, but my tools are typically broken. I resort to pen and paper as a result. And then I lose the pen that is most useful to me. O O P S Spoiler: mini-blog-post Get out your thesaurus everyone! The rise of memetics as a form of semi-serious self-concealing means of communication through shared pretenses, hidden premises, and irony is a fantastic testament to the mixed values that pervade our society. Is not the 'E' meme, a joke about the jokes themselves, an embodied abstraction of self-reversals taken to the absurd; an avatar for the burning, quartering, butchering, re-assembly and taxidermying of the concept of comedy in a world where comedy is increasingly used to roast, flay, and laminectomize those who have enough integrity to state what they mean openly. They are the symptom, the poison, and the cure, all wrapped in one.
this is the part where i have a solid design that has every reason to work and i'm probably going to get mad because of the art LOL
It's much smaller than the earlier H2A version. Has a lower level to the bases. Lower level of the outside ring is probably more viable. Spawning probably verges on being broken due to the size reduction. I think I only played it once though, so I'm not really sure. The H4 version you're referring to (Epicore) was probably my favorite version also, but I doubt it would work for 4v4. There's literally been like 20 versions of this freaking map, lol.
People who can't deal with their abilities being taken away suck. As for teleporters, I once cared about rules but then realized Chillout broke all of them and I like that map so...