except nobody ever stays at the fabric counter so you just have to sit there and wait for any employee to walk by, and then ask them to get someone to help you
Walmart’s here in Texas are just filled with “entire” Hispanic families crowding each aisle as they socialize with another Hispanic family they hadn’t seen since the last time they came to Walmart and they all breath hard as if they are so annoyed that you need to get through the aisle that they are blocking. Seriously. It’s the older couple with their daughter and her 7 kids. 2 of her kids are wearing diapers only but are walking and her 10 year old is inside the basket. Where’s her baby daddy you ask? Good question. He’s at stripes buying tacos with food stamps and selling weed cuz he’s too lazy to get a job.
I see no lie lol, especially Irving. Swap Hispanic for Black and you have Lancaster/Duncanville/DeSoto up in Dallas County. The only part of Dallas County that I can stand is Id Software.
Man, when I saw the WAYWO notification at 2:30 AM I knew I was gonna have some sweet **** to read through today.
Haha that's nothing like my side of Texas. I must be in the "fancy" part Dallas is the Walmart of Texas
@K a n t a l o p e @Dunco Yeah this is west Texas lol. Might as well call us east Mexico. People get mad when the El Paso high school football teams come play Permian here and I call them East Mexico. They are sooo defensive.
Thanks Salty I'll be sure to look more into this. I might write more about this when I'm less tired. As for the reason why it's illegal, well we know why. Nature, and all it's benefits, was a free gift humanity. I hate to delve too deeply into how this gift has been turned into a business asset though, the whole subject has just become annoying. Sustainable self-sufficiency, so far as I'm concerned, is the only way humanity stands a chance of making the business man redundant. And it's something that has to happen if we're to reverse the degrading quality of well... everything in this society. Humanity used to be self sufficient for most of history, but in recent times the masses have become increasingly dependent on a small minority, operating from the top down, to provide for the rest. Therefore it's no wonder why we get bullshit laws, unhealthy chemicals in our food, dumbed down education, as well as mediocre music, films and games these days. This is why self-sufficiency and good design are closely tied. As you say, it's 100% achievable and I hope more people get interested in giving it a try.
"but in recent times the masses have become increasingly dependent on a small minority, operating from the top down, to provide for the rest" This isn't at all a recent occurrence. In fact, it's as old as humanity. Assuming that any given society has enough freedom to make their own choices, people will pursue that in which they find value. In doing so, a hierarchy is created. Humans are social creatures, as so those things of value, the hierarchies, will be developed socially. This is an inescapable truth. This phenomenon is a product of our psychology and is irrefutably the way humans orient themselves in the world. Paired with this is the idea of resources and the necessity of currency. If you value some things over others, then the things you really value are considered resources. Money is just a way to supersede those resources so that we can trade across cultures. So, what happens when people inevitably socially develop hierarchies and value the utility of currency? A few number of people are hyper successful and accumulate almost everything. According to the Pareto principal of economics, opportunity compounds, which is to say that the more successful you are, the more chance for success. This is something of a natural law. Of all composers, only a few are listened to the vast majority of the time, and out of those composers body of work, only a few songs are listened to almost exclusively. Almost all of the mass in the galaxy has accumulated among a few massive stars. A relatively tiny minority of goals scored in hockey are scored by the same people. Half of all literary publications come from the square root of all contributors. Extreme inequality isn't something that you can just do away with if you're compassionate enough. The most egalitarian states in the world have actually seen an increase in inequality, not a decrease. If you leave people alone, they will sort themselves into a Paredo distribution every time. Also, you can only break this cycle with force, which creates a tyrannical state. This is why every attempt at a utopia ever constructed resulted in mass murder and tyranny. You can't flatten distributions without an insane amount of centralized power and the use of force, because people won't do it themselves. See; the collectivization of farms by Lenin in the Ukraine, or communist Russia, or Maoist China, or even North Korea. The death toll for China alone is estimated around 100 million. Is that enough evidence or should we try this whole utopia thing again? "And it's something that has to happen if we're to reverse the degrading quality of well... everything in this society." What do you mean by "degrading quality of this society"? If you mean the current cultural trajectory of the western world, then I can agree. If you mean the living conditions, wealth, life expectancy, ecological safeguarding, overall safety, and health care of the world at large, then you have it entirely backwards. 90% of the world was living in abject poverty 100 years ago. Today, it's less than 10%, and the people who are poor experience much better living conditions because of the technological revolution. Overall life expectancy has gone way up. The most rapidly advancing economies are in southern Africa. There are more trees on the planet than there has been in 100 years. Agricultural advancements have allowed way more food to be grown on way less land, while also allowing crops to be grown in areas that were otherwise desolate. In regards to war, it is currently the most peaceful time in human history by far. You have the rapid spreading of capitalism and democracy to thank for this. Historically speaking, this has all happened in the blink of an eye. No, 1/100th of a blink of an eye. It's yet another example of the Pareto principal at work. Technology and knowledge can only exponentially increase, because opportunity compounds. TL/DR: legalize weed.
You should try the far cry 5 map editor. Multiplayer sucks and you can't make firefight exactly but there's some cool things you can do with the AI and single player/co op modes. Also far cry 5 featured my first map within the first month of release so **** halo am I right? I'm never coming back.
Is anyone interested in making a game about an after-school club dedicated to Forge? I think this community has a lot of potential characters considering it'd be a sort of surreal-drama/psychological horror kind of thing. I'm thinking it should have an anime schoolgirl aesthetic too. Frankly it'd look really cute to see people like Goat, Multi, and Soldat in short skirts tbh. Any backers?