I don't like where this has gone. I can't take someone seriously who claims to have the "deepest understanding" of level design, and then instantly refers to how pickups make his map good. Every designer I respect realized like 5 years ago that weapons and power-ups couldn't fix design problems, and can't make your map interesting. You're way behind man.
Soldat buddy you are so far behind that you don't even know what you don't know. That being said you're probably going to be the 1st person in the past decade of designing maps I'm just going to opt out of guiding/criticizing for the pure reason that you're a narcissistic dickwad who can't recognize his own mediocrity. Enjoy your stagnation and 1v1 maps with rockets while others supersede you.
*sheds tear for not even making honorable mentions on GOATs list... but I haven’t made but 2 maps in H5 both in the 1st 6 months of the game and were mediocre if even that, so it’s justified. @everyone else I really don’t think Soldat thinks he’s the best. I think he’s just trolling and you guys are feeding him pages and pages of the Waywo.
There's no reason to believe that he's joking about possessing the "deepest" understanding of design, especially since he got defensive about his maps after posting it.
I've only seen two of your maps I think. There are a lot of Forgers I didn't know where to put because they haven't made anything recent or only did remakes or something. It's just for fun though.
Most of us keep quiet because a Forger's catalog speaks for itself nine times out of ten. I haven't finished **** since 2016 but I can dump another 10 maps in here to back up anything I say. And if it has any problems or downright sucks, I'll be the first person to know and throw it back on the drawing board and it'll probably lead to another 10 maps. It's great to be excited about what you make or proud of what you've accomplished. But don't become a philosopher before you become rich.
I don't trust anyone who puts an OS, damage boost, sniper, and rocket on a 1v1 map and then preaches enlightenment lol.