i could get behind a sick CoD play or a good lucio or widowmaker in overwatch, but fortnite has to be the most popular game where nothing about it impresses me at all. i really just don't get it.
i watched my bro play. i get the concept of a large map ffa with resources and shrinking playspace and events. fortnite just looks like the most obnoxiously gamey iteration of that concept. maybe the top kills are impressive and take skill to pull off but as a spectator, i feel like if i have to play the game to “get” it, it’s not simple enough or interesting enough. i hope halo infinite has a battle royale mode because it might actually be cool due to the sandbox and world.
Nothing to do with that, it just gives you perspective as to what is easy and what isn't after you play the game. A sniper overkill in H3 is impressive to watch. An identical clip in H5 in every way is not impressive or fun to watch. One is easy and one isn't. If you get a feel for shooting and building in the game you might like watching it more, I think it's one of the most entertaining games I've ever watched.
I wont deny that playing a game is an important factor of understanding it as a spectator. Before I played Destiny, every video of it looked like "Reach with ADS" and I was completely uninterested. But the alpha changed that; I couldn't appreciate the audio or the way it handled when I was just watching clips. So that obviously gives you context for things that happen during the game. Skill matters so little to me when it comes to that though. Fortnite just doesn't look interesting; it looks obnoxious, the same way Halo 5 looks obnoxious with the Spartan Abilities; the same way Halo 4 looked obnoxious when they first streamed gameplay with all the pros. I'm not denying that Fortnite has charm or is fun for its fans because it's obviously popular for a reason. I just don't find anything I've seen entertaining or even endearing. I remember someone linking a clip of an "insane" kill Ninja did and it just looked average to me. It could be the most difficult kill in the history of shooters and I still wouldn't care. I feel the same way about MOBAs. Yea they have an insane skillgap. Yes I get managing roles and executing a flawless push. It just bores me. I remember playing League of Legends for 2 hours at the request of a friend and I was just like "why?" This is why I play like 5 games every generation. I mean my taste in a lot of things is very specific because I need a wholesome package to get into it. Fortnite could be the most fun game I've ever played and I'd probably play it for a week tops because it's got nothing else going for it for me.
I seriously thought for a moment that you said Destiny looked like "Reach with AIDS. I was about to be all like, yeah, I agree Destiny is terrible but damn
lol. When you said that I was thinking how much better Reach looks than Destiny. The grit didn't bother me and the art style on the Spartan and Covenant stuff was just badass. Bungie almost made Halo perfect but they had to try something different. Reach is a great of example of when safe is sometimes the better idea.
I mean I understand disliking Fortnite, but I really can't agree that a Halo battle royal would be fun at all, even if it was a "good" Halo game
It would just be slow paced free for all. Honestly not all that different from fortnite other than building features and some gadgets I could literally script that gamemode into halo 5 in a weekend
Absolutely no way Sprint is going if BR is a thing. Even with Sprint it'd be boring as ****, there is no possible way to properly integrate Halo's movement or gunplay into such a scenario.
The Vex art direction on this map is really nice. It's a shame all of the good architecture in Destiny is wasted because the level design is so unambitious.
I'm amazed that after 4 years, the pinnacle of Bungie's boss design seems to be -Larger version of existing mob. Bonus points if it teleports or has a jetpack -A few "mechanics" that pause the boss while adds come to swarm you to give you ammo -A round, flat arena with some head height blocks to peek-shoot behind -A few modifiers to "change the way you play" (but not really) Destiny sucks etc. etc., but it's actually depressing that every fight in the game comes down to "DPS" DPS is boring and maximizing DPS takes the fun out of playing a game "with your own weapons". It always comes down to the same few weapons and strategies, otherwise you're losing DPS. I'm at the point where I'm honestly surprised when I see a generic boss. It's like loading up the Forge map page and seeing a midship clone; it's so overdone you think nobody would have the audacity to do it anymore. Yet that's Bungie, in 2018 - still making bullet sponges. Anyway I'm only playing the game because I didn't see some of the strikes and Playstation had a free 2-day.