Sorry Preacher can't spend the day reading everyones random bullshit. He's gotta go out and play. TTFN
I'm the most humblest of all. You non-humble bitches better get on my level or life's gonna ***** slap you. Spoiler and don't say I never warned you, you stupid Mother ****ers.
(suddenly understands why Goat rarely finishes a map) EDIT: I should also add there's something about letting your light shine, too.
It's actually the opposite - I am so humbled by my ability that I constantly doubt I am worthy of it, or that I even understand it. There are days I will sit there in awe of what I have made and then beat myself up over why I am not smart enough to finish it. It is there I realize that this is being channeled through me and I must step aside in order for it to materialize. The more I try to intervene, the smaller and more narrow-minded it becomes. And this goes beyond Forge. But being exalted isn't a title you earn - it's a state of mind. It's doing better than you did the day before. It's failing gracefully, learning wisely, and getting back up to try again. It's believing that - no matter what anyone says or whatever doubts invade your mind - you know your worth, and nothing can compromise your vision or shake your resolve, because that negativity does not have authority over you. And when you understand that, it doesn't go to your head. You don't wear it pridefully like a badge to be admired and coveted; you emanate it from within and inspire others to learn from you.
On my own, I am vain, insecure and overthink everything. And in spite of that, I am given a responsibility to create things beyond my abilities and comprehension. The more I accept and receive that and not try to define it within the constraints of my understanding, the more I can step aside and let it be channeled through me. I'm excited to see where it leads now that I'm aware of it. Perhaps it is read that way. I'm simply reflecting on this revelation, but I'll have to renew my thought process to convey that properly. Nevertheless, I longer view my artistic endeavors as things I create myself, but things that are created through me. For too long I have been made to believe that my works are done by me, and thus I have perpetuated this cycle of blame over failures. But how can I succeed in something I do not understand? How can I create something beyond me when I do not deserve to be creating it? I was an empty vessel merely happening upon , but now I have been filled with authority and clarity and I am terrified of what I might author once I remove myself from the pen. I may be sharing this on ForgeHub, but it goes way beyond levels in a Halo editor. Understand that I have danced on the precipice of the abyss for too damn long debating whether to throw that away or not. But these last few weeks I have been awakened to how grave a mistake that would be. Do not mistake my celebration for adulation. Life and purpose were spoken into me where I lacked direction and security, and I am truly humbled by that. I see no point in comparing myself to anyone other than who I was when I was lost in the wilderness. Really, everyone should try to think like this. Believe that you are tasked with creating what you are making, and remove yourself from the process. Let it take over and teach you things you didn't know about yourself and the art. This isn't advice from me the guy who can't finish anything. This is divine wisdom that I will be applying to my art, and I am already seeing miraculous growth where I once stood on a stump.