What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Dude, youre getting riled up. I didn't call you anything. I said thats 99% of his base imo, and if you put yourself in that category thats your fault. I don't think poor people, uninformed people, people with mental illness, anti-establishment or religious people are bad. I think their situations make it easier for them to look past all the layers of bullshit Trump brings to the presidency.

    The fact you seem so hostile over politics just brings it back to my original point. We should be able to have these discussions, without getting angry, making assumptions etc.
    GrayishPoppy210 and LargerFiend like this.
  2. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    We should be able to have these discussions without calling people racist, sexist, mentally ill, uninformed etc.
  3. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    He also had to deal with the worst recession since the great depression. Takes money to make money baby. Towards the end of his 8 years, things got better.
  4. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    It's unlikely to change a person's opinion of a politician, but it's easier to debate specific policy.

    Let's stick to the issues like casual versus hardcore sex and whether or not Dunco bathes.
    MULLERTJE and GrayishPoppy210 like this.
  5. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Are you denying there are racists, homophobic or sexist people in America? And if you do believe there are these types of people, do you deny they would be more drawn to Trump because of his views, history and rhetoric?

    Also, you need to stop lumping mentally ill and uninformed people into the same category as racists and sexists. I made sure to separate them because although their situations make it easier to support Trump, they cannot control it. Mental illness is not something to be ashamed about, and people are only uninformed because of your shitty school system and the way the media works. You don't choose to be mentally ill or uneducated, but you do choose to hold hate in your heart.
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  6. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    There quite literally was nowhere to go but up, that's what happens after a recession. His policies made sure the growth happened much slower than it would have otherwise, Trump it accelerating the growth x10.

    The US is strong as a capitalist nation. The further democratic policies move us away from that basis into socialism the weaker we become.
  7. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Yes but recessions don't solve themselves. Obama did that. I don't know if things would be the way they are now if Trump was president in 2008.

    I'll sit back and observe the effects of Trump on the economy. If things are good, good for him and he'll get some points from me. But until then I'm worried. History has shown us Trump isn't great with money, the man failed with Casinos. He also has a penchant of over exaggerating his wealth and not having as much as he claims to.

    That being said I do agree with you on capitalism. The economy issue is something I'll just have to wait and see on.
  8. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    Congress will keep this going up IMO. But if it were up to me, I'd close a few hundred foreign bases that are mostly money sinks.
    MartianMallCop likes this.
  9. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    Of course there is every kind of person in America. There are really not that many people with severe enough mental illness to completely obscure their views from the truth, so that only leaves sexist, racist and uninformed. That means that you're calling almost all of the people who voted for Trump sexist, racist or uninformed. That's ridiculous and completely baseless.

    I could've guessed (and I already did) that you wouldn't actually discuss ideas. You're just repeating yourself and painting millions of people with the same derogatory brush. I'm done talking to you.
  10. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    See this is how I know your knowledge and opinion of trump comes from public mouth and shitty news.

    OF ALL THINGS to criticize him for - to say he's not good with money lmao come on man. He turned a million dollars into billions. A million dollars doesn't go as far as you think, especially not in New York. I reckon there are very few people that can do that.

    As for his "failed" businesses, much of the time he just played the system and ended up making money. And for every business he closed he has 20 more that's are still making hundreds of millions. Get out of here with that nonsense man what a ridiculous comment. He is quite LITERALLY one of the most successful people on Earth
  11. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    You are omitting poor people, religious zealots and people who are anti-government/establishment.

    It's not baseless to say a good chunk of Trump supporters are probably racist/sexist/homophobic.

    You also have a very narrow view of mental illness. Mental illness isn't just crazy people in straightjackets and padded cells. It's also people with depression, anxiety, ocd, adhd, bi-polar. These people often feel like they are outcasts, and don't fit in well. Trump's branding, message and internet presence appeals to these people because they feel he is an outsider as well.
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  12. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Most of your facts are coming from his mouth and until I see his tax returns I'm not going to believe him. He is compensating.
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Dude there's how many mega skyscrapers with his ****ing name plastered on them and you're asking to see his tax forms because you don't think he has money Ahahahahaha listen to yourself man. The businesses exist, they run. You can use them, see them, fly to his golf course. I really can't continue this conversation it's so obvious your opinion of him comes from Twitter and CNN.
  14. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Oh he has money. But it's all in assets. He's cash poor.
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.
  15. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    Yeah, because people who are anti-government are a huge supporter of the person with the most powerful government position on earth. Flawless logic there.

    And what about the people with ADHD, depression, and bipolar disorder who don't like Trump? Is their perspective still skewed because of their diseases or not? Your assertion that the only reason people like trump is because they're depressed or otherwise mentally unwell is seriously laughable. Even if you could somehow reconcile this contradiction, it still stands that the majority of the American people haven't been diagnosed with these diseases, even of you combine them all, so all that's left is racism, sexism, and incompetence.

    Finally, the "religious zealots" argument is just as foolish. Trump is far from a preacher behind a pulpit, and I've never heard anyone, even the most dedicated supporters, claim otherwise. Everything you're saying has been completely pulled out of your ass, and you conveniently just ignore the sources for my own claims, while falsely parading around a happy-go-lucky "I'm all for discussion" attitude, when you're clearly only willing to label your intellectual opponents with pejoratives. This has definitely been enlightening for me, but probably not in the way you had hoped.
  16. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    What are you even getting at anymore
    Xandrith likes this.
  17. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
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    You can say that very thing about any politician in the U.S., so yeah, it's not baseless.

    A lot of Trump supporters don't give a flying hot ****ing damn on Mars about social issues, so you also have a good chunk of supporters who just want their businesses to succeed and health insurance premiums to go down, and the rest is whatever. To throw around sexism/homophobia/racism/whateverelseism is pretty ridiculous.
    Yevah, Xandrith and MultiLockOn like this.
  18. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    I never wanted to enlighten you. I knew I wouldn't change your mind, just like you won't change mine.

    The point is we are discussing it. And if you just removed a bit of your hostility, we would be lessening the divide between political parties, race, gender, orientation etc. This is how we get discussions rolling. I'm walking away from this still not supporting trump, but with a little more information on his effect on economy. It's a give and take.
  19. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    So you want to bridge the divide, and think the best way to do that is to call every Trump supporter either racist, sexist, uninformed, or just mentally ill.

    Okie dokie.
    Yevah and PharmaGangsta1 like this.
  20. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Now you're just taking my words out of context. I said he appeals to those types of people more than the average politician.

    I never said ALL trump supporters fit into those categories.
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.

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