I wish i could play legion, by the looks of it, it might play better than oblivion with some pick-up adjustments. But when the black geometry overlaps everything blends together and strains the eye
Lol if anything I definitely don't want to give autos more range. I think there was a stability attachment one that would be useful though
I might have to buy it as the first rap album I've purchased in... at least 7 years or so... (last one was, unintentionally, Nas' "Hip-hop is dead") Dude deserves the dollars vote of confidence, at the very least. Can't wait to hear what he's talking about. I love it when people call him racist cuz he doesn't want the entire Black population to be enslaved anymore... LOL Or 52% of blacks to be aborted. You know, the most racist thing a person can say is that they want double the black people walking around hahaha.... But no... if you're not a racist you're supposed to praise Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood (old name = "Eugenics Society"... you know, cleansing race), who spoke at KKK rallies, is quoted as saying the Negro needs to be wiped out, and who is known to have spoken freely about the fact that abortion would be aimed at minority communities as a means of controlling their population growth. People need to discard any paradigms they think made sense a few years ago... the reality is coming out... NOW Also... #wearealltommyrobinsonnow You're welcome waywo... I'll be back in 24hrs to see what and who survived the fire
I'm going to rant about kanye, art and politics for a sec. Kanye has always been and will always be my favourite rapper. he's how I got into the genre. Ive followed him since Graduation and will always pick up his new stuff. I've seen his highs and lows and know about his mental stability. the guy is crazy. he's absolutely nuts. but he's a goddamn genius. people like to rag on him for saying he's in the same level as Walt Disney or Steve Jobs but I honestly believe he could be if he knew how to deal with himself better and knew how to channel his creativity more precisely. But since his mental breakdown on twitter this year, I've felt bad about my kanye dedication. I do not support Trump in anyway, and contrary to what most people believe themselves on this site, I think he's a ****ing moron in the clearest sense possible, and I think he is a criminal who is bringing America down to his scummy level. I think Trump supporters are wrong, some are stupid, some just uninformed. How can I claim to not support Trump when I buy music from one of his most vocal and influential supporters? I see a lot of former Kanye fans say they refuse to listen to his new stuff because of Trump. Now, my attitude towards it is, **** it. I love Kanye. It's important to be able to separate art from the artist. It's why I can watch George Bluth Sr. on Arrested Development, but not agree with Jeffrey Tambor's actions off set. Its also important to be able to understand and empathize with someone regardless of political stance. It's the same reason I still love my Trump supporting family in Florida. If we demonize people for their thoughts and beliefs, we will never agree on anything as a species. that being said casual sex is amazing and any one who thinks differently is a piece of **** virgin rant over
I liked this post before I was done reading it and i'm sorry but after that last part i'm going to have to rescind my like
Instead of seeing them as stupid or misinformed, you should respect the fact that they think differently. They have different priorities. After listening to the album, im convinced he wont top Graduation, in my eyes. I try not to let the personality affect my opinion of their art. Lupe Fiasco told everybody to let the black people to go to the front of the crowd in one of his concerts, which i think is beyond ****ed up. But, i cant deny i enjoy his music.
Sorry but Kanye is garbage. Was good in his early days but I don’t get how everyone worships him. It’s trash. Most modern rap is trash. Pusha T deserves credit for murdering Drake tho lol.
Yeah this album is decent so far, but nearly as good as Kendrick. It's not even close for me. I don't get why people call him a creative genius. As I write this I heard "I love your titties because they prove I can focus on two things at once." Like okay, he's a rapper, not a genius. Especially from a music theory standpoint, there's nothing experimental like some of Kendrick's music. I know that sounds snobby, but if you're going to call yourself Jesus and have millions of people call you a genius, I'm going to criticize anything that isn't revolutionary, and none of this is even close to that. Nobody is going to be analyzing the making and meaning of Kanye songs in 30 years.
It's less about what he's doing these days and more about how he changed rap as a genre in his heyday.
I feel like rap has only declined in quality and originality since its boost in popularity in the 90's
I’m not a virgin! Casual sex rocks! But it’s meaningless and dangerous in its historical and future implications. What’s rap?