***FIXED*** - not sure how. just carefully went over each piece again and made sure a new prefab saved... WTF bungie... NOT totally fixed - I wonder if pieces can get corrupted (have thought so in past). This prefab, if you hover over one of its pieces, shows the line to another position, as if it is a piece that has moved from its origin, even though it is not. May need to replace each piece... ---------- anyone had a prefab save with some really weird coordinates? Like, I have one with three pieces, even ungrouped and verified it is only three. They are all close together. When I place it on Alpine, it often puts itself outside of the map, and won't return even when typing Zeros into the coordinates. when I try Glacier, it said it didn't have enough space to place it. I saved over the previous file, and they both say updated today... (as a verification that it is not some messed up old copy with weird piece placement)
I guess i have to dumb it down for you. Just because an action has the potential to result in something that plagues society, it does not make the action wrong. Ill couple it with an analogy to hold your hand through this a little more: Just because driving cars has the potential to result in more car accidents, it does not mean driving cars is wrong. Hopefully you understand now.
You're unfortunately ignoring the fact that widespread acceptance, encouragement, and participation in acts of careless driving has indeed caused the roadways to become far more unsafe than they were when bad drivers were ostracized for putting people in danger. You're also extracting moralizing from a statement that does not state or imply it directly, and hiding your patronizing tone in a veil of civility. That's doubly dishonest from an intellectual standpoint. Regardless, if our cars, bodies, and organs were indestructible, then sure, we would be able to crash into oncoming traffic as much as we want. But that's simply not the case. To boot, encouraging and accepting such behavior simply because not enough people have been hurt ~yet~ (who are you to make such a judgement?) fundamentally changes the flow of traffic, making for more of that kind of driving, and raises the chance of accidents exponentially. Just because it might become normal at that point doesn't make it even 'just ok'. And that's just with regular traffic rules, not even the more stringent rules one might find on a racetrack; imagine some cocksucker decided to turn around in the middle of the race, and drive the course backwards - I've done this in Forza quite a few times for fun, because they will keep driving, and no one gets hurt. Try this in real life? They die. You die. Maybe more collateral damage. The race stops. People get frustrated, angry, waste time, lose money, friends. All because someone decided to **** around and ignore the clear and obvious purpose of the activity they are engaged in. *edit* I'd like to know what your stance on gun control is - specifically with regards to your argument about the ethical or legal standards for the 'potential outcome' of an action. I'll assume you believe there ought to be federally legislated limits on what one may be able to own in the way of firearms (tell me if I'm wrong!) because of the potential for 1) acts of terrorism 2) school shootings 3) gang violence 4) armed robbery 5) murder writ large. Extend this to cars, using the very same vague logic I assume backs up the position I have assumed you hold - ought one not be allowed to own a motor vehicle because someone might be killed in an accident or premeditated ramming attack? Now extend the vagaries to sex - ought one not be allowed to engage in sexual encounters with another person because they might catch a disease either unknowingly or be the victim of rape?
"You're unfortunately ignoring the fact that widespread acceptance, encouragement, and participation in acts of careless driving has indeed caused the roadways to become far more unsafe than they were when bad drivers were ostracized for putting people in danger." Maybe im missing something here because when the heck was this ever a thing...? And also this seems to contradict all of that soooo.... (i didnt look up cause of accidents though but im already too bored of it) And whats with the gun spiel assuming he would be pro gun legislature from what he said? His statement infers the opposite of what youre implying if he were to use a gun analogy instead. Or at least if hes logically consistent. "Just because driving cars has the potential to result in more car accidents, it does not mean driving cars is wrong." Instead: Just because owning a gun has the potential to result in murder, it does not mean owning a gun is wrong. ?????????? Im confused. Icy i think youre arguing with someone imaginary.
Owning a gun has the potential to result in murder, so one should act with a certain level of responsibility when carrying or owning one. Guns have a purpose, and when used recklessly, they endangers many people. Therefore, we should foster a culture of people who respect guns and understand its purpose. Now replace each use of "guns" in that sentence with casual sex, and the effects to what has been discussed. The effects of casual sex are multilayered and complicated, and have a much more broad and damaging effect on the core of society, which is the family unit. Can one really can't it "responsibility" at that point?guns pale in comparison, and one could argue they they actually help more than harm. That's not true for casual sex.
Youre right. Im pro 2nd amendment for the same reason. His argument has no foundation. @icyhotspartin People are encouraged to drive bad now? Lol @Xandrith Youre subsituting casual sex for guns, when it should be irresponsible sex. Casual sex itself is not irresponsible.
Okay now youre doing the same thing. If i were to plug in casual sex then youre defending casual sex but i thought you were all anti-casual sex. wtf im leaving this one you guys dont even know what youre saying or debating anymore. Its like when people say "i could care less" when trying to purvey that they couldnt care less. wtf is this real life. OR do you mean your own sentence...? Owning a casual sex has the potential to result in murder, so one should act with a certain level of responsibility when carrying or owning one. Casual sexs have a purpose, and when used recklessly, they endangers many people. Therefore, we should foster a culture of people who respect casual sexs and understand its purpose. In that case i agree xandrith.
People can "responsibly" do anything, but does that make the act itself responsible? Go look at my butter knife analogy. This is why I was never the one to bring up guns or cars. Responsibility is great, and I'm all for it, but responsibly participating in a culture that has led to unprecedented abortion and divorce rates, and eats away at the core of our society, is a performative contradiction. One can "responsibly" do anything, but we have the case study to prove that the casualisation of sex and the attempt to separate the emotional expect from the pleasurable aspect of it for the sake of impulsive pleasure has led to serious problems. I get it. People are horny. I just don't think that we should all of the sudden shift paradigms to match our ever-changing wants. People really want to have sex, but that doesn't mean that we can just decide as a society that sex isn't important so that we can **** all day without consequences. The consequences will, and have, come, no matter what your personal experiences or opinions are. It's also important to remember that I never argued for legislation, but simply an attitude change. People should be responsible about sex, not responsible about casual sex. The latter is an oxymoron, and unless you really like divorce, abortion, and single motherhood, then I don't think there is any other viable way to interpret the ramifications. There definitely hasn't been a better conclusion brought up thus far, but I'm all ears.
Yes, I am against casual sex, which is to say that I am against irresponsible sex. My argument is that casual sex itself, because of its effects that may or may not be intended, is irresponsible. Also, I said to replace the word "guns" with casual sex, and to replace it's effects with what has been discussed. As in abortion rates, single motherhood, divorce, etc.