What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I didn't finish anything in H4 or MCC because I kept forging symmetric 4v4 maps to get into matchmaking and I was making them really structurally ambitious. But, H4 moreso than MCC. Like I did Forerunner exceptionally well back then, but I knew **** all about level design and just kept repeating the same shapes and getting stuck.

    The fact that I can make something close to dev quality in H5 is exactly the reason why it's harder. I care more about how it looks because now I can make it look like something. And I care more about the design because I know about design now. If I still enjoyed playing 4v4 Halo, that'd be different because I have diferent goals for those maps. 4v4 maps to me just have theme baked into structure and a few landmark detail pieces. Like you put a repetition set of patterns across the map, and then break it up with striking visual. 2v2 maps on the other hand I want there to be unique environments everywhere. One minute you're in a cave and the cave is its own character; next minute you're in a building and it's insanely detailed; next minute you're outside and there's flowers and grass everywhere; then you climb this staircase up to this bridge and you're looking out over this valley; and so on.

    Like I said, 2v2 maps should be adventures, like miniature campaign playspaces with their own stories. The smaller player count not only lends itself well to that detail, but I feel like when there's less people on the map, you can appreciate being on the map. In 2v2, you get more moments where you are alone traveling around to flank, and that's when I let the player appreciate where they are. The more people you have in the game, the less time you spend wandering around being immersed in the environment. And it's not a matter of "pretty art" that immerses people; it's that feeling of going on a journey and discovering a story as you move around the map.
    #27401 Goat, May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
  2. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    How’d you know what my ‘grand vista’ was going to be
    Xandrith likes this.
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    PHIL TASKER. Just remembered, that was his name.
    Xandrith likes this.
  4. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    I've had this happen. Once.

    99% of what everyone makes is ****. Most people (myself included) either don't know it's ****, or don't care. I totally understand where you're coming from. A lot of times I've released maps not because I was satisfied with them, but just for the sense of closure it provides me.
  5. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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  6. Yeti For Hire

    Yeti For Hire Legendary
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    Doom is life
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  7. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    Currently trying to convince some poor souls that he is in fact better than m&m
    Yeti For Hire likes this.
  8. Yeti For Hire

    Yeti For Hire Legendary
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    They must be shown the light.
    qrrby likes this.
  9. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I was going to say this
    For me personally the reason that I haven't officially shared with Forgehub in Halo 5 is the flipside of this comment. It's the fact that Forgers are building better and better maps and subsequently the Forgehub community is getting more and more toxic about anything that doesn't live up to their standards. What a horrible person someone is that they want to share a map that they had fun building and playing. How dare they not have the level of dedication to constantly up their Forging game and turn their play time into a profession.

    Lately I've been considering officially posting a couple of my mostly finished projects to Forgehub for those that wander in looking to play something that catches their eye. I know there's little point in me trying to satisfy the Forgehub Gold members with my maps, let alone my weapons loadout preferences and my lack of enthusiasm for any gametype other than FFA.
  10. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    I’m at that point with the one I just finished, too. I’m really pleased with a lot of aspects (exterior, backdrop, some lighting, assets here and there) but I’m just so bloody disappointed with it. As far as I’m concerned, half the layout is garbage, and not at all interesting enough for more than one or two games. Plus deathpits, so, you know...
  11. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I get that and I agree that imposing "design philosophy" on other people can be toxic. I wouldn't want everyone to end up conforming to the same ideas because then we would lose diversity and style, and I don't think any creative community should discourage people from sharing no matter what level they are at. But I think you'll find most of it is just in the spirit of friendly competition (at least until it isn't and we are all forced to play maps with with glaring problems...but I digress) and that's just the nature of Forge.

    You can't be in an emerging and dynamic creative field like level design - especially using Forge - and not be moving forward. Even if you lag behind, the vehicle is driven by the quality of the engine and the people who push it. If Halo 6 Forge is significantly above this game, I honestly expect the community to get smaller. Not because "the ForgeHub gold elite" will scoff at anything below an arbitrary standard, but because the community simply doesn't thrive on sharing content. It thrives on innovating.

    The highlight of this game is and always will be the 2v2 contest. Despite all its drama, everyone was always on trying to design something interesting and outdo each other. Imagine the quality of the maps we'd have if we ran another one now that we actually understand how to play Halo 5. Without that competitiveness, I feel like everyone is just doing whatever and at that point there's nothing else you can do or say except toss a like their way. Those are the times the site has no activity and ends up being filled with random arguments.

    Forge to me is way more fun when I can load up this thread and see people pushing themselves to design something better, because it makes me want to do the same. Like, every time @LargerFiend posted a map, I wanted to go buy Xbox Live and Forge. I am more worried when I post something and someone doesn't say it's ****. It doesn't bother me when people push me to finish a map, but it bothers me when they push me to settle because I'm not done learning what I need to. In as much as I enjoy the inside jokes, I value everyone in this community and I would only hope those who stay continue to challenge themselves, and those who also believe that should help encourage that, not discourage.

    Personally, I want to prove to myself that I can reach my vision for a design before I run my mouth off anyone else's. Unless i'm around and you want to ask about art. :cool:
    #27411 Goat, May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
  12. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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  13. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    I think its important to distinguish the difference between a map some forger made for fun or as a intro into forging, and a blank canvas map with sangheli statues plastered all over it with the creator saying its the best thing ever made, then getting sad when people say it isn't.

    I only get mad when someone uploads something extremely low effort and goes to the ends of the earth to defend it. It isn't much to ask for more than 2 screenshots, a description and to not post 10 maps at once. I just ask people to actually try if they are going to post it here, and to not throw a hissyfit if anyone criticizes it, which is extremely common.

    If you plaster 20 crates and power weapons on a map for fun, maybe you should ask yourself if it is even worth posting, and if you can take people saying its lame and not get offended.
  14. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    Goat likes this.
  15. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    To all my fans and to everyone who doesn't care.... I made my first map trailer! Feel free to critique my editing skills

  16. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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    cameras are too fast and it takes away from the theme. dark and moody needs slow panning cameras. git gud
  17. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Good point.... it gots to go with the beets do
  18. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    Pretty good for first try. I don't claim to be great... but...

    1. Keep your reticule visible for all clips (a preference)
    2. Don't use the game audio on all clips... only certain ones. (contrast during less musical moments)
    3. transition moment between the two parts of the song was weird... hard to know where you were going... if the tone of the video was supposed to be changing...
    4. Black screen at the end was nice and dramatic, but you should have put an animated "BLOODLET THRONE" text logo up at that time. Just going to black with nothing afterward was lackluster.
    5. I didn't see my name anywhere
    6. NGA and Box like spikes up the butt?


    Senior Member

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    Yup slower camera movement in the intro please.

    And that music lol, felt like 1999.
  20. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    Actually, Vampires typically party like it's 1499.

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