Going back to do a reforge of Gardens of Ascension Map just didn't turn out how I envisioned and at the time it was made we had only just gotten the ability to add material skins to objects. Also, the maps overall layout was super lackluster and I'm going to try a different approach to making it playable. Going to make the play space while keeping the theme in the back of my head and not let my desire for a room to look a certain way dictate how the maps geometry turns out...essentially, I'm going for a more block out approach If you wanna see the original eyesore here's the link
I'm in the mood to design so if you want any help, just let me know. We've never talked on xbox before either so that'll be exciting
I have an unfinished one that's similar if you want to see what else not to do Edit: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...brbirbeI_4b122d29-6c60-4266-bf4b-cbc30f6bf8db here it is
it turns out there is no spoon, after all... http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/exterrestr1al/video/50692501 yes that's right folks. we now have smooth linear motion mixed with smooth rotational motion, for a full-range of motion in flight controls. (can be applied to other things) I heard someone was getting more into machinema around here...
So two things. One, I realized the other day that my maps are all the same. "You mean they're all unfinished?" No. Well yes, but no. Go on any goat map in the last year and a half and you'll notice these things: Larger than life playspaces that make you feel like you're on an adventure. At least one symmetrical setpiece or room that forms the core of the design. 3 unique colors accenting neutral tones (white, brown, black) Some generic object that looks good because it costs way more pieces than it should (doors, bridges, arches, towers, etc.) Spirals. Spirals everywhere. Deceptively simple pathing. Yea I have my own style, but I also keep running into the same problem - the last one. The most challenging thing for me as a designer has been to not make something symmetric and room based. That's difficult when you're working with symmetric rooms and this game's unforgiving spawn system, and I've given up on a lot of themes because **** if I can think of a layout for it. But I feel like I've gotten better at stacking them and making the asymmetry vertical instead of horizontal, which helps avoid inverse symmetry, but i still dont like sitting on themes that dont have interesting layouts. Which brings me to my second point. I scrapped the map I was doing because I can do better, so I'm blocking something with the shame general shape out. And yes it's @Dunco's fault.
I think you should be careful not to waste objects from the start this time. I was sympathising with you about object count, and then I saw the map, lol. All of your blockouts are unbelievably inefficient
That's because I don't do blockouts. I build one location, spawn a bunch of assets and move them around and then throw blocks to fill in the holes until it looks good.