I really do not like when people try to apply specific rules and regulations to something creative and try to say what is and is not ok. I feel like if you test your level, and put genuine thought and care into how you want it to play and make the changes neccesary to accommodate it, a large chunk of those rules are rather limiting and result in a cookie cutter experience you find in a lot of other games. What I am trying to say is, I don't think you will get an extradonary experience if you strictly stick to a ruleset, they can defintely help if you are in a slump though.
https://twitter.com/DaveMAdams/status/993586730505662464?s=20 Watchpoint: Gibraltar design time lapse video I found on Reddit. Is cool.
Lol no ****, I'm making a 2 dimension DOOM map which I probably should've split up. Aesthetic but still, I need more pieces.
I was banned for 4 days and missed 1 page of shitposting and that's why I don't care about getting banned
I feel like these mods are annoying enough to ban me if I tell you publicly so I called them a name, and they got aNgRy