Oh I get it, mainly wanting to broaden the skills. I've found forge becoming a hard tool to use vs something with mouse and keyboard (I know there's H5:Forge). Agreed, with each level editor, you're basically subjecting yourself to another game with it's own platform. Hammer = CSGO/TF2, UE4=UT, etc. I've made a few blockouts for UE4 this year and I recently restarted learning Hammer for giggles. UE4 is the overall better option currently and the tool is magnificent. The only thing I wish I had, was the ability or forum to test the UE4 maps like the Hammer maps for CSGO. So this was more than just sticking to forge and more or less seeing who is doing stuff outside of forge right now. Designing a level based on game mechanics is one thing, the other is about designing areas for viewing only which isn't necessarily a must have, but something to think about in terms of creating things.
Oh yeah, I absolutely think maps (at least visually) should stand on their own outside of the context of the games mechanics, so that's a good thing to practice. If your map has a strong theme (and there's no good excuse for the lack of a strong theme anymore) then the layout will be designed with the theme in mind, and seem like a cohesive play-space that tells a story to the player about the setting and purpose of the geometry beyond "this is a ramp and this is a power position and this is a window" and so on. It's an entire element to level design that some just ignore, which is fine, but I would compare that to being a guitar player and only ever using 4 of the 6 (or 7/8/9) strings. That's kind of a weird example, but you get what I'm saying. It's not just about aesthetics, it's another layer of design. Also, if you ever figure out how to create caves with the terrain tool in Unreal, let me know. I'm too lazy to look it up.
I bet making caves would be something like a procedural thing you can do easily. But yea, I haven't even looked into terrain building yet, but it's on my TODO list. Also I get your reference, it's like buying a knife set and only using the knife sharpener for only one knife (another bad analogy lol). So when I think of the idea behind level design, it's like about generating the play space and the environment around it. Right now, blockouts are fairly simple to make, I need to hone in on how to make/learn things like terrain, creating/applying textures, and I won't be making my own assets anytime soon as that will be another degree of learning. Back to my original thing, does anyone have a group chat directly related to these things outside of FH?
did you custom order or get them used custom ordered guitars take foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever to sell second hand so they get pretty cheap
My fanned fret 8 string I Custom ordered myself. My 7 string I bought used on Reverb. I paid 1300 for the 7 and it couldn’t have been less than 3,000 brand new.
I haven't found one but I am sure there might be one out there. I just tend to find people on my own and just talk and show/share stuff on a personal/small group setting. I know there is a forum for people to show off there creations and get feedback for UE4 projects. I would have to hunt it down again but I think it was a sub section of epics site somewhere. I will get back to you on that one. If enough people expressed wanting to get into something on UE4. I could code/blueprint a quick spartan movement set(Basic movement speeds/Jump heights/Crouch/Strafe Speeds/ETC.) Its really not that hard @Xandrith - Everytime I have tired to show you how to do caves in UE4 you always said we will do it later because we go on to long of discussions ... DOG
I can see your map from your profile, so it's not gone - https://www.forgehub.com/maps/othello.6537/ however this does to appear to be an issue. While this may offer some info, our search function has been causing some issues the past few months. We're in the process of converting over (planning and executing) to a new host for our search engine/site, since this isn't the first issue related to the resource manager. Sometimes you can see the map being hosted multiple times on map page or the same map on the bottom of each page in the map list. I think this is another situation regarding this. Give it some time, it SHOULD show back up. Please let me know if it doesn't. Hopes this gives you a little assurance and thanks for bringing this up to me.
It's back on the maps list @xzamplez. Nothing was done and it appears to be similar to the other issues I described above. Hopefully with the new server in our horizon, this sort of thing won't happen.
Oh cool another free like to compliment the one that comes standard with a Forgehub Gold subscription!
I forgot about those forgehub gold and diamond things I made Ahahaha the **** I came up with when I was bored at Treyarch lmao
Forge is like an abusive relationship that i irrationaly keep coming back to because everything else on xbox feels like a waste of time... This map is going to be so amazing doe... XD